16–19 Jan 2018
Zurich, Switzerland
Europe/Berlin timezone

Testbeam Results for the Mu3e Scintillating Fibre Detector

18 Jan 2018, 09:20
ETH HG E 1.2 (Zurich, Switzerland)

ETH HG E 1.2

Zurich, Switzerland

Rämistrasse 101, 8092 Zürich, Schweiz


Mr Lukas Gerritzen (ETH Zurich, IPA)


With the enduring intensity increase of particle physics experiments at the precision frontier, high granularity timing detectors with excellent timing resolutions and very low additional material become crucial to control combinatorial backgrounds. Scintillating fibres combined to thin mats, read out with segmented silicon photomultipliers provide sub-nanosecond timing resolutions with material budget below 0.5% X_0 and spatial resolution in the order of 250µm. For the mu3e scintillating fibre detector different scintillating fibre types, including novel Nanostructured Organosilicon Luminophores (NOL) fibres, in different mat configuration were tested. The main focus of this talk is to summarize the findings obtained during testbeams. Furthermore first experiences with the dedicate SiPM readout ASIC MuTRiG (STiC successor) are presented.

Primary author

Mr Lukas Gerritzen (ETH Zurich, IPA)

Presentation materials