Satellite Meetings

Satellite Meetings on Monday, 22 January 2018

X-ray diffraction and spectroscopy in very high magnetic fields at the Helmholtz Beamline for Extreme Fields (programme)

Organiser: C. Strohm, M. von Zimmermann, C. Baehtz & T. Herrmannsdörfer
Location: European XFEL

The HIBEF consortium contributes pulsed magnets with peak fields of 60 T and different coil geometries to the HED instrument at the European XFEL. This will offer the possibility to perform x-ray diffraction and spectroscopy experiments under the highest magnetic fields available at any x-ray source in the world. The aim of the workshop is to present the available infrastructure and discuss new scientific opportunities and early user experiments.
Organizing committee: C. Strohm, M. von Zimmermann, C. Baehtz & T. Herrmannsdörfer.

Satellite Meetings on Tuesday, 23 January 2018
European XFEL (in Schenefeld) and DESY

Early science at the Materials Imaging and Dynamics (MID) instrument (programme)
Organiser: Anders Madsen
Venue: European XFEL

The aim of the workshop is to inform about how to apply for beam time at the MID station of the European XFEL and which equipment and operation parameters will be available for the start-up. Possibilities for early science will be discussed by invited speakers and staff. A visit of the experiment hall is possible in connection with the workshop.


Early science at High Energy Density (HED) instrument and status of HIBEF contributions (programme)

Organiser: Ulf Zastrau und Carsten Baehtz
Venue: European XFEL

The full-day workshop on the HED instrument and the HIBEF UC will take place at the European XFEL headquarter building in Schenefeld. In the morning, guided tours of the experimental hall and the HED instrument, which is under construction, are offered to interested colleagues.


Science using high-energy optical laser systems at High Energy Density beamline - HIBEF (programme tba)

Venue: C. Baetz

The aim of this meeting is to discuss a proposed in-kind contribution from LFRC laboratory of the Chinese Academy of Engineering Physics, which is a 1 kJ (at 527 nm) laser with shaped 1 – 25 ns long pulses, based on flashlamp-pumped glass technology and with an initial repetition rate of 1 shot per hour. This could become available in 2022, and could be upgraded to a higher repetition rate by 2025. Such a system would enable additional "discovery" science of new phenomena in higher pressure regimes or high energy shocks and complement the existing optical laser systems as HED drivers at HIBEF / HED at the European XFEL.


Data Analysis Workshop and Karabo (CAS) (programme)
Organiser: Hans Fangohr
Location: DESY

The data analysis workshop is split into two parts, which can be attended independently (or both together): (1) The morning session offers a hands-on workshop introducing the Jupyter Notebook for which we invite participants to bring laptops. (2) The afternoon session provides an overview of experiment control, andonline and offline data analysis provision at European XFEL in Karabo, and introduces particular tools and aspects in more detail.


Satellite Meetings on Thursday, 25 January 2018

DESY (in Hamburg)

Light-Matter Interaction: Recent Advances in Theory (programme)
Organiser: B. Ziaja, R. Welsch, R. Santra  

The workshop aims at presenting recent advances in theoretical research on light-matter interactions. Six invited experts will report on the research highlights covering a broad spectrum of scientific interests ranging from atomic and molecular physics through condensed matter to warm-dense-matter and plasma research. Outline of future developments will be discussed in connection with recent experimental achievements.

8th Workshop on X-Ray Nanoimaging of Biological and Chemical Systems at PETRA III (programme)
Organiser: Christian Schroer, Gerald Falkenberg

The workshop gives attention to x-ray microscopy at various PETRA III beamlines with special emphasis on applications in biology and chemistry. Several scientific highlights are presented and recent methodological and instrumental developments at PETRA III beamlines and the Nanolab are discussed. X-ray microscopy will greatly benefit from a future upgrade of PETRA into the ultra-low emittance source PETRA IV. Participants are encouraged to discuss future scientific opportunities.


Russian-German in-situ and nano-diffraction beamline (programme)
Organiser: Dmitri Novikov, Raphael Grifone

The Russian-German in-situ and nano-diffraction PETRA III beamline (P23) went into the commissioning stage in November 2017 and will become partially available for user proposals in the spring call 2018. Its scientific case concentrates on physics and chemistry of systems dominated by low dimensional and confinement effects, materials and processes under non-ambient conditions, in-situ and in-operando techniques. The beamline currently operates one experimental hutch equipped with a heavy-load 5+2 circle HUBER diffractometer. The available instrumentation pool is aimed for multiscale analysis of nanostructured materials and devices.

In this workshop, we shall present the status of the new beamline, discuss the special userrequirements and make plans for further developments.

Pump probe laser at FLASH2: status, upgrades, future options (programme)
Organiser: Ingmar Hartl, Bastian Manschwetus

In August 2018 the FLASH2 pump probe laser will become available for user experiments at FLASH2. The high repetition rate laser is based on OPCPA (optical parametric chirped pulse amplifier) technology and will be transported with dedicated beamlines to the end of FL24 and FL26. In this workshop we want to discuss the experiments enabled by this laser and which upgrades and modifications would be needed in the future. We want to collect all ideas from the user community to plan the further development of the FLASH2 pump probe laser. We have foreseen time slots for short contributed oral presentations.


Extreme Conditions Research at DESY (programme)

Organiser: Hans-Peter Liermann, Robert Farla

Extreme Conditions Research at high pressure and simultaneous high and low temperatures continues to grow at DESY. Planetary and materials research at low and moderate pressures can be performed at the ECB (P02.2) and at the LVP beamline (P61.2), although at P61.2 without X-rays until beamline construction is complete (projected for end of 2018). Research at extreme pressures (> 60 GPa) can only be performed at P02.2 using the diamond anvil cell (DAC). Furthermore, Extreme Conditions Research is also performed more frequently at other beamlines of PETRA III. New possibilities for research at both cold compressed and WDM will emerge from DESYs contribution to the HIBEF project located at the HED Instrument of the European XFEL. In addition, we have started to develop the Conceptual Design Report (CDR) for Extreme Conditions Research at a diffraction limited storage ring, proposed for PETRA IV in the midterm. Within this satellite meeting we will present ongoing research from different user groups at the different high-pressure beamlines of PETRA III, give a status report on the DAC platform at the European XFEL and give an outlook on the current status of the Extreme Conditions CDR for PETRA IV.

X-ray absorption spectroscopy at P64/65 (programme)

Organiser: Wolfgang Caliebe, Edmund Welter

P64 and P65 the new EXAFS-Beamlines in the PETRA III extension were in full user operation mode in 2017. The satellite workshop is intended to give an overview about the current status of the beamlines, the associated projects, and results from different external user groups. Short- and long-term plans for instrumentation concerning experimental techniques and sample environments will be presented and discussed. Present and future users are strongly encouraged to participate in this workshop and to discuss their options with the beamline staff.

SAXS/WAXS/GISAXS User Workshop @ DESY (programme)
Organiser: Rainer Gehrke, Stephan Roth

This workshop addresses current and potential users of small- and wide-angle X-ray scattering at PETRA III. It is intended to present and discuss the status and perspectives of the experimental facilities, especially the PETRA III micro- and nanofocus X-ray scattering beamline P03 (MiNaXS), and recent as well as planned user activities. It shall foster communication among the users and identify common interests.


High Performance Online-Data-Analysis (aka fast-feedback) infrastructure, services and software for upcoming photon-science experiments - requirements, plans and proposed solutions. (programme)

Organiser: T. Kracht, S. Yakubov, M. Gasthuber

Looking ahead 3-5 years, we anticipate that both data volumes and data rates from detectors at light source facilities will continue to grow, and that ever more sophisticated experiments by researchers will place correspondingly more intense demands on storage and computing capacity. Experiments employing fast area detectors impose the most severe requirements on the IT infrastructure in terms of network bandwidth, storage capacity and compute power. A move towards on-the-fly processing where possible as a means of handling the data deluge from modern detectors and ever more brilliant light sources, delivering final results (3D volume, ptychographic reconstruction) and not retaining every data frame indefinitely. These, also called near-real-time data analysis, targeted for - rapid experiment feedback, data reduction and many more.

This meeting aimed for bringing together interested people in that topic from various sites, presenting and discussing plans, work-in-progress or currently used solutions

High energy X-ray diffraction for Physics and Chemistry (programme)
Organiser: Ann-Christin Dippel, Martin v. Zimmermann

High energy X-ray diffraction based techniques have a unique impact on physics and chemistry, especially with respect to the formation of materials. This workshop brings together experienced users, interested researchers, and beamline staff to present and discuss the current and future high-energy X-ray diffraction capabilities at DESY and key experiments that demonstrate the potential of this technique. We invite workshop participants to give a talk on their work in the topics of * powder or single crystal diffraction * surface and interface diffraction * amorphous and nanostructured materials Please contact Martin von Zimmermann ( or Ann-Christin Dippel ( for more information and if you would like to contribute.

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht GEMS Outstation: Materials Research and High Resolution Imaging (programme)
Organiser: Christina Krywka/Peter Staron

Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht operates the research platform GEMS with an outstation at DESY, running beamlines and instruments with a focus on engineering materials research and high resolution imaging techniques. On the 2018 satellite meeting, the status of the HZG beamlines and future perspectives are reported and users will present recent research highlights.


Further meetings (on invitation only)

CREMLIN WP5 Workshop (23 January)

This CREMLIN Workshop is devoted to preparing the joint Russian-European collaboration with regard to the conceptual design for the Russian megascience project “Fourth generation special purpose synchrotron radiation source” – SSRS-4. It shall bring together representatives, experts and users from existing European and  Russian SR and FEL facilities, partners from within the  CREMLIN WP5 (ESRF, MAX IV Laboratory, European XFEL, DESY, NRC KI, IC RAS) as well as from institutions beyond this scope as external experts.


Photon Science for Industry: Industrial access and best practice use cases (25 January)

Organiser: Sabine Jähmlich (Location: Hamburg)

Best practice cases and ways how industrial companies can benefit from synchrotron light sources such as PETRA III as well as from ‘key’ labs such as the DESY NanoLab and the interdisciplinary campus in Hamburg are presented and discussed. The session shows as well several easy and free ways to access the large scale research instruments and knowledge at DESY.

Please register directly via mail with Sabine Jähmlich (mailto: