XXX Workshop Beyond the Standard Model

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef

Physikzentrum Bad Honnef


The workshop focuses on recent developments in the theory of fundamental particles, the physics of the early universe, and mathematical physics. There will be four introductory pedagogical lectures as well as shorter talks by the participants.

  • Abhinav Joshi
  • Andreas Gerhardus
  • Andreas Schachner
  • Andreas Trautner
  • Angnis Schmidt-May
  • Arthur Hebecker
  • Beatriz Gato Rivera
  • Bert Schellekens
  • Bivudutta Mishra
  • Cesar Alberto Fierro Cota
  • Christoph Liyanage
  • Christoph Nega
  • Craig Lawrie
  • Daniel Kläwer
  • Enrico Brehm
  • Enrico Olivucci
  • Erik Plauschinn
  • Fazlollah Hajkarim
  • Felix Rudolph
  • Fernando Quevedo
  • Gabriele Honecker
  • Gleb Arutyunov
  • Hans Jockers
  • Hans Peter Nilles
  • Igor Bertan
  • Ioana Coman
  • Iris Golla
  • Ivo Sach
  • Jan Plefka
  • Jan-Willem van Holten
  • Jochum van der Bij
  • Joshua Kames-King
  • Karapet Mkrtchyan
  • Karl Koller
  • Kevin Moch
  • kouidri smail
  • Laura Covi
  • Lorenz Schlechter
  • Luca Mattiello
  • Manuel Drees
  • Manuel Wittner
  • Marco Zagermann
  • Max Wiesner
  • Michael G. Schmidt
  • Mohamed Ali Seridi
  • Norbert Dragon
  • Paweł Olszewski
  • Pradyumn SAHOO
  • Ralph Blumenhagen
  • Rob Klabbers
  • Sascha Leonhardt
  • Song He
  • Stefan Förste
  • Stefan Theisen Theisen
  • Sven Heinemeyer
  • Thaisa Guio
  • Thorsten Schimannek
  • Toshio Nakatsu
  • Urmi Ninad
  • Urmi Ninad
  • Vladimir Mitev
  • Vladislav Kupriyanov
  • Wilfried Buchmuller
  • Xavier Calmet
  • Yannick Linke
  • Yegor Korovin
  • Yi-Fan Wang
  • Yong Xu
  • Yoshiyuki Tatsuta
  • Youngik Lee
  • Zach Elgood
  • Zhongyi Zhang
  • Zygmunt Lalak
    • 1
      Quevedo: String Phenomenology
    • 10:30
    • 2
      Liyanage: Yukawa couplings from magnetized branes on non-factorisable tori
    • 3
      Tatsuta: Aspects of brane-localized masses in flux compactifications
    • 4
      Rudolph: The Doubled Geometry of String Theory
    • 12:30
    • 5
      Heinemeyer: Where We Will Find SUSY
    • 6
      van der Bij: Physics after the discovery of the Higgs boson
    • 16:00
    • 7
      Covi: Heavy SUSY for cosmology
    • 8
      Mattiello: Twist fields and moduli space of D-branes
    • 9
      Klaewer: Mirror Symmetry and the Refined Swampland Conjecture
    • 10
      Dragon: The Irrelevance of D = 26
    • 11
      Plefka: Soft Theorems and Hidden Symmetries
    • 12
      Olszewski: Scale-invariant dimensional regularization
    • 10:30
    • 13
      van Holten: Chaplygin gas halos
    • 14
      Nakatsu: Topological vertex and Hodge integral
    • 15
      Mkrtchyan: Cubic interactions in 3d higher-spin gravity
    • 12:30
    • 14:00
      Free afternoon
    • 16
      Schmidt-May: Bimetric Gravity
    • 10:30
    • 17
      Wittner: Is dRGT Massive Gravity Unique?
    • 18
      Calmet: Quantum Gravity: the Effective Way
    • 19
      Brehm: Thermality off Diagonality in 2D CFT
    • 12:30
    • 20
      Gerhardus: Correlator Relations in Gauged Linear Sigma Models
    • 21
      Olivucci: Integrable CFTs in any dimensions and non-compact spin chains
    • 22
      Klabbers: Finding the exact spectrum of the eta deformed AdS_5xS^5 superstring
    • 23
      Blumenhagen: The L_infty bootstrap program
    • 16:00
    • 24
      Kupriyanov: Bootstrapping Non-commutative Gauge Theories from L_infty algebras
    • 25
      Mitev: Bootstrapping non-planar integrals
    • 26
      Plauschinn: T-duality and non-geometric backgrounds
    • 27
      Linke: Conformal Blocks for Defects
    • 28
      Coman: On the generalisation of the AGT correspondence for non-Lagrangian class S theories
    • 29
      James-King: Towards the Holographic Dual of N=2 SYK
    • 10:30
    • 30
      Bertan: The simplest non-trivial AdS/CFT correspondence
    • 31
      Korovin: Holographic reconstruction of flat spacetimes
    • 32
      Lawrie: F-theory and AdS/CFT
    • 12:30
    • 33
      finis tragoediae