The puzzle of dark matter - assembling the pieces



Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg Germany
Alexander Grohsjean (DESY), Elisa Pueschel (DESY), Katharina Behr (DESY), Kelly Beernaert (DESY), Sarah Heim (DESY)

The puzzle of dark matter conference takes place 29-31 October 2018 in the auditorum at DESY. The conference is meant to bring together theorists and experimentalists of all collaborations in the field of particle and astroparticle physics searching for dark matter. More than presenting the latest results of the searches, we hope to foster collaboration and identify areas for future cooperation and development to enhance future searches at both collider and non-collider based experiments.

Our keynote speakers are some of the leading experts in various areas of the field:

- Caterina Doglioni (ATLAS): collider searches

- Hans Kraus (LZ): direct searches

- Laura Covi: theory

- Greg Landsberg (CMS): collider searches

- Javier Rico (MAGIC/CTA): indirect searches

- Matthias Schott (ALPS)

A Young Scientist Forum will give PhD students and young postdocs the opportunity to present their work in short lightning round talks. If you are a PhD student, or supervisor, please consider submitting an abstract through the webpage.

On the closing day of the conference, a panel discussion will be held to dig deeper into the interplays and missing aspects in the searches discussed on the previous days.

NOTE: DESY can provide on-site childcare (ages 1+) and other accommodations for parents or primary caregivers. Please contact the organisers should you require any support to facilitate your attendance to the conference.

  • Alexander Grohsjean
  • Andreas Reiß
  • Arely Cortes Gonzalez
  • Baishali Dutta
  • Ben Brüers
  • Bjoern Penning
  • Caterina Doglioni
  • Chao Zhang
  • Chiara Giuri
  • Christian Sander
  • Christian Schwanenberger
  • Christoph Krieger
  • Christopher Hayes
  • Claudia Seitz
  • Daniel Locke
  • Dilia Portillo
  • Dmitry Malyshev
  • Elisa Pueschel
  • Enrico Morgante
  • Fang-Ying Tsai
  • Fatih Ertas
  • Felix Kahlhoefer
  • Filippo Sala
  • Florian Reindl
  • Galo Gallardo
  • Gerrit Van Onsem
  • Greg Landsberg
  • Hans Kraus
  • Hartmut Grote
  • Isabell Melzer-Pellmann
  • James Frost
  • Jan Conrad
  • Jan Heisig
  • Jan Hendrik Pold
  • Jan Schütte-Engel
  • Javier Rico
  • Jay Chen-Hsun Chan
  • Jochen Liske
  • Juliette Alimena
  • Katharina Behr
  • Katharina Bierwagen
  • Kayla McLean
  • Kelly Beernaert
  • Kristian Bjørke
  • Krisztian Peters
  • Lars Henkelmann
  • Laura Covi
  • Lauren Tompkins
  • Ljiljana Morvaj
  • Luc Darme
  • Luca Doria
  • Lucia Rinchiuso
  • Marco Zagermann
  • Maria Benito
  • Marianna Liberatore
  • Mateusz Duch
  • Matthias Saimpert
  • Matthias Schott
  • Michael Duerr
  • Michael Gustafsson
  • Michaela Queitsch-Maitland
  • Michel Lefebvre
  • Miroslav Sulc
  • Moritz Hütten
  • Nassim Bozorgnia
  • Noah Kurinsky
  • Othmane Rifki
  • Pani Priscilla
  • Patrick Rieck
  • Patrick Tunney
  • Pedro Schwaller
  • Philipp Gadow
  • Sam Cunliffe
  • Sandra Robles
  • Sarah Heim
  • Sarah Williams
  • Sascha Dreyer
  • Sebastian Wild
  • Stanislava Sevova
  • Stepan Kunc
  • Theo M. Nieuwenhuizen
  • Tina Pollmann
  • Tjark Miener
  • Torben Ferber
  • Udo Strohbusch
  • Valentin Tenorth
  • Vladimir Pastischenko
  • Vladyslav Danilov
  • William Kalderon
  • Yann Gouttenoire
    • Registration
    • Welcome Session
      Conveners: Alexander Grohsjean (DESY), Dr Michael Duerr (DESY)
      • 1
        Scope of the conference and practical information
      • 2
        Welcome address: History of Dark Matter
        Speaker: Prof. Wilfried Buchmueller (DESY)
      • 3
        Theory introduction on the variety of dark matter models
        Speaker: Laura Covi (Goettingen)
    • 11:00
      Coffee Break
    • Introductions
      Conveners: Elisa Pueschel (DESY), Prof. Felix Kahlhoefer (RWTH Aachen University)
      • 4
        Overview of indirect detection searches
        Speaker: Moritz Huetten (MPI Physik, Muenchen)
      • 5
        Overview of the collider searches
        Speaker: Priscilla Pani (DESY)
      • 6
        Overview of the direct detection searches
        Speaker: Prof. Hans Kraus (University of Oxford)
      • 7
        Relic density calculations - rules and exceptions
        Speaker: Jan Heisig (Louvain)
    • 13:25
      Lunch Break
      Conveners: Kelly Beernaert (DESY), Sarah Heim (DESY)
      • 8
        Collider Searches: 2HDM-based and SUSY-inspired models
        Speaker: Arely Cortes Gonzalez (CERN)
      • 9
        WIMP searches with indirect detection experiments
        Speaker: Lucia Rinchiuso (Saclay)
      • 10
        Annual Modulation Searches
        Speaker: Florian Reindl (HEPHY & TU Vienna)
      • 11
        Identifying WIMPs from data and astrophysical uncertainties
        Speaker: Nassim Bozorgnia (Durham University)
    • 16:10
      Coffee Break
    • Simplified models and EFT
      Conveners: Prof. Felix Kahlhoefer (RWTH Aachen University), Katharina Behr (DESY)
      • 12
        Rich phenomenology of simplified models/EFTs in MET+X final states
        Speaker: Stanislava Sevova (Stanford University)
      • 13
        Rich phenomenology of simplified models in mediator searches
        Speaker: William Kalderon (Lund University)
      • 14
        Direct detection with nuclear scattering
        Speaker: Dr Tina Pollmann (Laurentian University)
      • 15
        Simplified models/EFT in indirect detection
        Speaker: Patrick Tunney (RWTH Aachen)
      • 16
        The status of Dark Matter EFTs with a focus on Higgs portal models
        Speaker: Dr Sebastian Wild (DESY)
    • Axions, dark photons and low mass dark matter
      Conveners: Kelly Beernaert (DESY), Dr Michael Duerr (DESY)
      • 17
        Dark sectors with sub-GeV dark matter
        Speaker: Luc Darme (National Center for Nuclear Research Wasaw)
      • 18
        Indirect Searches for Axion-like Particles
        Speaker: Mr Galo Gallardo Romero (DESY)
      • 19
        Searches for light DM with electron recoil
        Speaker: Noah Kurinsky (Fermilab)
      • 20
        Axion/Dark photon: Collider
        Speaker: Torben Ferber (DESY)
    • 10:40
      Coffee Break
    • Other dark matter searches
      Conveners: Prof. Felix Kahlhoefer (RWTH Aachen University), Sarah Heim (DESY)
      • 21
        ALPS and other direct Axion searches
        Speaker: Jan Hendrik Pold (DESY)
      • 22
        Long-lived particles in collider experiments: current strategies, gaps and future potential
        Speaker: Juliette Alimena (Ohio State University)
      • 23
        Primordial black holes
        Speaker: Dr Dmitry Malyshev (Erlangen Center for Astroparticle Physics)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Future
      Conveners: Alexander Grohsjean (DESY), Elisa Pueschel (DESY)
      • 24
        New ideas for direct detection
        Speaker: Jan Conrad (Stockholm University)
      • 25
        Future: Indirect detecton
        Speaker: Javier Rico (IFAE)
      • 26
        Looking ahead: where do we go with collider searches?
        Speaker: Dr Caterina Doglioni (Lund University)
    • Young Scientist Forum
      Convener: Sarah Heim (DESY)
      • 27
        Particle Dark Matter constraints: the effect of Galactic uncertainties
        Speaker: Maria Benito (Instituto de Física Teórica - UNESP)
      • 28
        Thermal DM beyond 100 TeV and Cosmic Rays
        Speaker: Mr Yann Gouttenoire (DESY)
      • 29
        Search for dark matter candidates produced in Z(ll) + ETmiss events with the ATLAS detector at the LHC
        Speaker: Kayla McLean (University of Victoria)
      • 30
        Dark sector physics with photons in Belle II
        Speaker: Sam Cunliffe (DESY)
      • 31
        Relaxion Dark Matter
        Speaker: Enrico Morgante (DESY)
      • 32
        Extended Dark Matter EFT
        Speaker: Valentin Tenorth
    • 16:15
      Coffee Break
    • Colloquium: Greg Landsberg
    • Young Scientist Forum
      Convener: Katharina Behr (DESY)
      • 33
        Search for Dark Matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to bbar
        Speaker: Mr Philipp Gadow (Max-Planck-Institut für Physik)
      • 34
        Search for dark matter produced in association with a Higgs boson decaying to pair of bottom quarks using 79.8 fb−1 of proton collisions at √ s = 13 TeV with ATLAS detector
        Speaker: Mrs Dilia Portillo (LPNHE, Paris)
      • 35
        Probing the nature of Dark Matter at the ILC
        Speaker: Mr Dane Locke (University of Southampton)
      • 36
        Inelastic Dark Matter heating up Neutron Stars
        Speaker: Dr Sandra Robles (The University of Melbourne)
      • 37
        Constraints on light pseudoscalar mediators from B decays and direct detection experiments
        Speaker: Mr Fatih Ertas (RWTH Aachen)
    • 19:00
      Conference Buffet (canteen extension)
    • Future
      Conveners: Elisa Pueschel (DESY), Dr Michael Duerr (DESY)
      • 38
        Overflow from YSF: Probing dark matter through exotic Higgs boson decays to a pair of light bosons in the bbμμ final state.
        Speaker: Christopher Hayes (Stony Brook University)
      • 39
        Future: Axions
        Speaker: Matthias Schott (Uni Mainz)
      • 40
        The future of dark matter searches - speculative ideas and long-term strategies
        Speaker: Prof. Pedro Schwaller (CERN)
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Interpretation/discussion panel
      Convener: Enrico Morgante (DESY)
    • Closing
      • 41
        Closing remarks
    • Public outreach event at the Planetarium: (German)