EUCALL Workshop: Innovation Potential of Advanced Laser Light Sources

Mestral 1+2 (Hotel Melia Sitges)

Mestral 1+2

Hotel Melia Sitges

Carrer de Joan Salvat Papasseit, 38, 08870 Sitges, Barcelona, Spain

Innovation Potential of Advanced Laser Light Sources


14 November

1. Welcome and Introduction – G. Appleby / European XFEL
2. Photonics21 support to spin-offs and technology road-maps – S. Royo / Photonics21
3- Fraunhofer support to spin-offs and technology road-maps – H. Hoffmann / ILT Aachen
4. Patenting and protection of Intellectual Property – A. Zennaro / CERIC-ERIC
5. Support of Spin-Offs – M. Peloi / Elettra
6. Experience of a light source's spin-off company – R. Geometrante / Kyma Undulators
7. Support of Spin-Offs and Commercialization of IP at EUCALL facilities – F. Canova / ELI-DC
8. Innovation Hubs around light sources – D. Drossmann / DESY
9. Commercial Access at Advanced Laser Light Sources – G. Appleby / European XFEL


15 November 

10. Technological transfer road-map at CEA – D. Normand / CEA
11. Activities of LaserLab-Europe industrial board – C. Simon Boisson / Thales
12. Joint Development of Technology at EUCALL facilities – G. Appleby / European XFEL
13. Technology Transfer at European XFEL – A. Bonucci / European XFEL
14. Technology Transfer at ELI-ERIC / ELI TRANS – A. Hála / ELI-Beamlines
15. Science parks and technological support at ELI-ALPS – I. Molnar / ELI-ALPS
16. Science parks and technological support at ELI-Beamlines –  A. Hála / ELI-Beamlines
17. Science parks and technological support at ELI-NP – D. Seuleanu / ELI-NP
18. Dissemination in Science – D. Seuleanu / ELI-NP 

19. Dissemination in Science: ELI perspectives – I. Ghinet / ELI-NP 



The European Cluster of Advanced Laser Light Sources (EUCALL) is a network between leading large-scale user facilities for free electron laser, synchrotron and optical laser radiation and their users. Under EUCALL, they work together on their common methodologies and research opportunities, and develop tools to sustain this interaction in the future. EUCALL has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme and involves 11 partners from nine countries as well as the networks Laserlab Europe and FELs of Europe during the project period 2015 to 2018.

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