17–28 Feb 2020
Europe/Berlin timezone


EDIT– Excellence in Detector and Instrumentation Technologies - is a school series under the auspices of ICFA. Previous instances were CERN 2011, FNAL 2012, KEK 2013, Frascati 2015, FNAL 2018.

EDIT is devoted to young researchers, in their graduate studies or in their first year as post docs, seeking to acquire a deeper knowledge on the major aspects of detectors and instrumentation technologies for particle physics. The school comprises lectures and four courses with hands-on experiments, including beam tests, on silicon sensors, silicon systems, calorimetry and gas detectors. 

EDIT-2020 took place at DESY in Hamburg, Germany on February 17-28, 2020

Please scroll down for further information.



Lectures wre held on the first and last day of the school, and on every morning in-between. The courses started after the morning lectures and last to the end of the day. The week-end was free for social activities. 


  1. Detector Development at DESY Ties Behnke (DESY)
  2. Tracking: Basic Principles Nick Styles (DESY)
  3. Calorimetry I-III Erika Garutti (Hamburg), Martin Aleksa (CERN), Katja Krüger (DESY)
  4. Particle Identification: Peter Krizan (Ljubljana)
  5. Silicon Detectors I-III: Doris Eckstein (DESY), Norbert Wermes (Bonn), Petra Riedler (CERN)
  6. Photodetectors: Wataru Ootani (Tokyo)
  7. Gaseous Detectors Eraldo Oliveri (CERN)
  8. Cryogenic Noble Gas Detectors Stefan Söldner-Rembold (Manchester)
  9. Electronics and Signal Processing Christophe de La Taille (Palaiseau)
  10. Trigger and DAQ Hans-Christian Schultz Coulon (Heidelberg)
  11. Detectors: Great Concepts and Glorious Failures Ingrid-Maria Gregor (DESY / Bonn)

Hands-on Courses

There were four parallel courses, each lasting two days,  after which students rotated. Follow the links to find leaflets with more information on the courses:

  1. Silicon sensors Leaflet 1
  2. Silicon detector systems Leaflet 2
  3. Calorimeters Leaflet 3
  4. Gas detectors  Leaflet 4

Practical Information

The registration fee was 150 Euro and covered coffee breaks, reception and dinner. 

Affordable accommodation was available at the DESY hostel; a block reservation has been made. Participants could book rooms after having received a confirmation of acceptance of their application.


The deadline for applications is over, and all selected candidates have registered, no registration or application is possible anymore!


International Advisory Committee:

P. Burrows (Oxford), A.Cattai (CERN), L. Feld (Aachen), J.Incandela (S. Barbara), P. Krizan (Ljubljana), J.Mnich (DESY), W. Ootani (Tokyo), E. Ramberg (FNAL), H.-C. Schultz-Coulon (Heidelberg)

Local Organising Committee:

M. Baselga, R. Diener, D. Eckstein. I. Henning,  I.M. Gregor, K. Krüger, I. Melzer-Pellmann, O. Schäfer, F. Sefkow (Chair), M.Stanitzki 

Supported by https://www.qu.uni-hamburg.de/ 

SR 4a/b