Registration fees cover all plenary and poster sessions, meeting materials, two meals and coffee breaks, and conference banquet. Please note: Attendees must apply separately for accommodation at the Hotel Hohe Duene and for meeting registration. Meeting attendees are invited to register online before 20 May 2010. Meeting Registration Fee: 250 Euro Registration Fee can be paid on-line during registration (E-Payment) or transferred to the bank account given below. Please quote on the bank transfer your registration ID, your name, the Workshop name "Coherence 2010" and the reference number 250711. From Germany: Bankname: HSH-NORDBANK Bankleitzahl: 210 500 00 Kontonummer: 303 800 010 Kontoinhaber: DESY From abroad: Name of bank: HSH-NORDBANK SWIFT-CODE: HSHNDEHHXXX IBAN-Number: DE79 2105 0000 0303 8000 10 Account holder: DESY
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