Probing electron charge densities with core-level non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering
Martin Sundermann(University of Cologne)
109 (25b)
Correlated electron systems yield a plethora of fascinating phenomena,
when the physics is beyond the single particle picture and the
electron-electron interactions become important. Therefore, the electron
charge density is one of the key properties for understanding these
Core-level non-resonant inelastic x-ray scattering (core-level NIXS), or
x-ray Raman scattering (XRS), is commonly used to perform soft x-ray
absorption spectroscopy in a bulk sensitive way. With XRS, however, one
can also overcome the dipole selection rules and access higher
multipoles by tuning the momentum transfer.
I will present how these higher multipoles can be utilized to give an
unique insight into electron charge densities and show results for
different cubic materials measured at P01 [1-3].
[1] Europhysics Letters 117 17003 (2017)
[2] Physical Review Letters 120 016402 (2018)
[3] Nature Physics 15 559 (2019)