Felix Büttner
(Helmholtz-Zentrum Berlin)
15/09/2020, 15:05
Topological phases of matter are highly non-trivial configurations of the electronic or spin system, which often result in exotic and previously unimaginable material properties. The topology endows these states with a remarkable stability that often allows them to be realized at room temperature and with lifetimes exceeding decades. A key challenge, however, is the creation of topological...
Steven Johnson
(ETH Zürich)
15/09/2020, 15:35
Materials with structural and electronic properties with reduced dimensionality are an important class that displays many interesting properties both in and out of equilibrium. In this talk I report on two recent studies on such systems. First, I describe an investigation of the coherent vibrational dynamics associated with the quasi-1D material K0.3MoO3, a charge density wave material. Here...