PETRA IV Workshop - Materials and Processes for Energy and Transport Technology




Recently, DESY has opened a call for PETRA IV scientific instrumentation, where researchers from all fields of science were asked to submit proposals for experiments (see indico page).

The workshop "Materials and Processes for Energy and Transport Technology" is one out of four PETRA IV workshops dedicated to science and instrumentation and organized within the process of developing the PETRA IV scientific instrumentation proposals.

These workshops are aiming to strengthen the scientific exchange among different user communities. Here the emphasis will be on bringing together current and future users working in the field of energy and transport technology to exchange creative and interdisciplinary ideas and trends as well as identifying beamline parameters required to enable potential experiments at PETRA IV.

This workshop has a scientific focus with mostly scientifically-driven presentations. It is encouraged to include ideas for PETRA IV instrumentation into the scientific talks in order to identify synergies for an optimal PETRA IV beamline portfolio.

This workshop will be an online workshop.

-  Click here to download the full timetable.

-  Click here for more information on the poster session and Zoom links.

Organization Committee: M. Stückelberger, O. Wendt, C. Schlueter, A. Stierle, S. Roth, S. Haas, U. Lienert, E. Welter, G. Grübel, R. Farla, H.-P. Liermann, K. Glazyrin, H. Gretarsson, H. Noei, S. Techert, M. Naumova, A. Schökel, W. Caliebe, G. Falkenberg, M. Etter, T. F. Keller, V. Vonk, F. Bertram, C. Shen, A.-C. Dippel, M. v. Zimmermann, T. Sheppard, J.-D. Grunwaldt, M. Müller, C. Krywka, P. Staron, C. Goy, F. Lehmkühler, M. Schnell, M. Sprung, K. Bagschik, S. Klumpp, O. Seeck, H. C. Wille, M. Kreuzeder

    • Opening Session
      • 1
        Speaker: Christian Schroer (DESY)
      • 2
        Zoom Session Netiquette
        Speaker: Stephan Klumpp (DESY)
    • Enabling Technologies (Techniques) -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Kai Bagschik, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Kai Bagschik, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 3
        Perspectives for Correlative and Multimodal Experiments at PETRA IV
        Speaker: Thomas F. Keller (DESY)
      • 4
        In-situ and operando measurement approaches in catalysis research
        Speaker: Thomas Sheppard (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break
    • Energy Conversion I. -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Andreas Stierle, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Andreas Stierle, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 5
        The Diffraction Revolution: How Modern Lightsources Impact Industrial Research
        Speaker: Bernd Hinrichsen (BASF)
      • 6
        High-energy diffraction for catalysis research
        Speaker: Johan Gustafson (Lund University)
      • 7
        Nanoparticle Exsolution: Tailoring Surfaces for Chemical Energy Conversion
        Speaker: Christoph Rameshan (Institute of Materials Chemistry, TU Wien)
      • 11:15
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Andreas Stierle, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Andreas Stierle, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 8
        Time-resolved spectroscopy of catalytic reactions
        Speaker: Anders Nilsson (Stockholm University)
      • 9
        Pump-probe X-ray spectroscopy to study photocatalysis at PETRA IV
        Speaker: Matthias Bauer (Paderborn University)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Energy Conversion II. -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 10
        Electrochemical processes in energy technology: A case for operando XRD studies at model electrodes
        Speaker: Olaf Magnussen (Kiel University)
      • 11
        Operando experiments in heterogeneous catalysis
        Speaker: Beatriz Roldan Cuenya (FHI Berlin)
      • 12
        Spatial and temporal explorations of heterogeneous catalysts using Synchrotron-based X-ray microscopy
        Speaker: Florian Meirer (Utrecht University)
      • 14:30
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 13
        Unwanted effects of X-rays and what to do about them: a case study. Operando XAS studies of copper exchanged zeolites for the direct synthesis of methanol from methane
        Speaker: Mark Newton (ETHZ)
      • 14
        PDF analysis on materials for chemical energy conversion
        Speaker: Mirijam Zobel (University of Bayreuth)
      • 15
        Complementary operando synchrotron-based studies in electrocatalysis
        Speaker: Mehtap Oezaslan (TU Braunschweig)
    • 15:45
      Coffee Break
    • Poster Session -- based on -- (please see instructions listed on this indico website)

      -- based on -- (please see instructions listed on this indico website)


    • Enabling Technologies (Techniques) -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Tobias Kipp, Kai Bagschik, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Tobias Kipp, Kai Bagschik, (Click for details)


      • 16
        Scanning X-Ray MicroscopyTechniques
        Speaker: Michael Stueckelberger (DESY)
      • 17
        Diamond anvil cell: the tool for extreme condition research at PETRAIII and PETRAIV
        Speaker: Konstantin Glazyrin (DESY)
      • 18
        XAFS-Ptychography at 4th generation storage rings
        Speaker: Yukio Takahashi (Tohoku University)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break
    • Energy Storage I. -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Ann-Christin Dippel, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Ann-Christin Dippel, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 19
        In-situ Investigation of Materials for Hydrogen Storage
        Speaker: Martin Dornheim (HZG)
      • 20
        Anomalous Small Angle X-ray Scattering study to understand the nanostructure and functional relationship of supercapacitors
        Speaker: Oskar Paris (Montanuniversität Leoben)
      • 21
        Opportunities with X-Ray Raman Scattering in the field of materials for energy storage and catalysis
        Speaker: Simo Huotari (University of Helsinki)
      • 11:15
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Ann-Christin Dippel, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Ann-Christin Dippel, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 22
        Electrochemical mechanism of redox active organic materials studied by X-ray Raman scattering
        Speaker: Matjaž Kavčič (University of Ljubljana)
      • 23
        XAFS and complementary methods for energy storage research at 4th generation storage rings
        Speaker: Ditty Dixon (Ramanujan Fellow, Central Electrochemical Research Institute, Karaikudi, India)
      • 24
        In situ and in operando X-ray diffraction of electroceramics
        Speaker: Manuel Hinterstein (Karlsruhe Institute of Technolgy)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Structure, Properties, and Processing of Materials I. -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: 1st half: Ulrich Lienert, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Christina Krywka, Ulrich Lienert, (click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: 1st half: Ulrich Lienert, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Christina Krywka, Ulrich Lienert, (click for details)


      • 25
        Multiscale microscopy of polycrystalline materials
        Speaker: Henning Poulsen (DTU)
      • 26
        Hierarchical design of advanced steels - opportunities with a multi-scale x-ray microscope
        Speaker: Peter Hedström (KTH)
      • 27
        Dynamics of metal deformation by in situ high resolution reciprocal space mapping
        Speaker: Wolfgang Pantleon (DTU)
      • 14:30
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: 1st half: Ulrich Lienert, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Christina Krywka, Ulrich Lienert, (click for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: 1st half: Ulrich Lienert, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Christina Krywka, Ulrich Lienert, (click for details)


      • 28
        Understanding multiscale material structure and processes through combined scattering and imaging
        Speaker: Stephen Hall (Lund University)
      • 29
        Developing new materials and optimizing existing ones using high-throughput scanning X-ray Nanodiffraction
        Speaker: Jozef Keckes (MU Leoben)
      • 30
        Nano SAXS with in situ mechanical testing on glasses
        Speaker: Sindy Fuhrmann (TU Freiburg)
    • 15:45
      Coffee Break
    • Energy Harvesting -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Stephan Roth, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Stephan Roth, Michael Stückelberger, (Click for details)


      • 31
        In-situ studies for the correlation of structure formation with functionality
        Speaker: Peter Müller-Buschbaum (TU München)
      • 32
        Multimodal and Coherent X-ray imaging techniques for thin-film solar cell research
        Speaker: Jens Wenzel Andreasen (Technical University of Denmark)
      • 33
        Some current developments and open questions in thermoelectrica research
        Speaker: Bo Iversen (Aarhus University)
      • 17:00
        Coffee Break Online


      • 34
        Atomic-scale structure of complex solar cell absorbers
        Speaker: Claudia Schnohr (Leipzig University)
      • 35
        Harnessing Diffraction-Limited Storage Rings to Probe Halide Perovskite Solar Cells
        Speaker: David Fenning (UC San Diego)
      • 36
        Tracking carrier and phonon relaxation in energy conversion materials with hard x-ray scattering
        Speaker: Samuel Teitelbaum (Arizona State University)
    • Extreme Pressure & Temperature Research in the Field of Energy and Transport Technology -- Red Zoom Room --, Chairs: Hans Peter Liermann, Robert Farla, (Click for details)

      -- Red Zoom Room --, Chairs: Hans Peter Liermann, Robert Farla, (Click for details)


      • 37
        Extreme pressure and temperature research at PETRA IV
        Speaker: Hanns-Peter Liermann (Petra III, DESY)
      • 38
        Benefits at PETRA IV for high-pressure research using the LVP: synthesis of novel nitrides and fullerenes
        Speaker: Melanie Sieber (University of Potsdam)
      • 39
        Materials Discovery and Characterization under extreme static high pressure and temperature conditions using XRD and imaging
        Speaker: Clemens Prescher (DESY, FS-PS)
      • 17:10
        Coffee Break -- Red Zoom Room --, Chairs: Hans Peter Liermann, Robert Farla, (Click for details) (Online)

        -- Red Zoom Room --, Chairs: Hans Peter Liermann, Robert Farla, (Click for details)


      • 40
        Shaping the future of extreme condition materials science: a unique synergy of diffraction and spectroscopy at Petra IV
        Speaker: Dominique Laniel (Bayreuth University)
      • 41
        Opportunities for dynamic compression science at synchrotrons
        Speaker: Dominik Kraus (HZDR)
    • Enabling Technologies (Techniques) -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Simone Techert, Kai Bagschik, (Click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Simone Techert, Kai Bagschik, (Click for details)


      • 42
        Coherent imaging techniques
        Speaker: Johannes Hagemann (FS-PETRA)
      • 43
        Monochromators for high-energy experiments
        Speaker: Ulrich Lienert (DESY)
      • 44
        Sample environments for engineering materials experiments
        Speakers: Peter Staron (Helmholtz-Zentrum Geesthacht), Ulrich Lienert (DESY)
    • 10:00
      Coffee Break
    • CMWS in Energy and Transport Technology -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: Gerhard Grübel, Felix Lehmkühler, Claudia Goy, (click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: Gerhard Grübel, Felix Lehmkühler, Claudia Goy, (click for details)


      • 45
        Introduction CMWS
        Speaker: Gerhard Grübel (DESY)
      • 46
        Selective removal of organic matter from drinking water: Understanding electro-sorption in membrane filtration
        Speaker: Mathias Ernst (TUHH)
      • 47
        Shaping the Energy System of the Future
        Speaker: Wolfgang Eberhardt (CFEL)
      • 11:15
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: Gerhard Grübel, Felix Lehmkühler, Claudia Goy, (click for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: Gerhard Grübel, Felix Lehmkühler, Claudia Goy, (click for details)


      • 48
        Interactions between water and nanoporous functional oxides
        Speaker: Simone Mascotto (UHH)
      • 49
        Importance of water and in-situ X-ray spectroscopy for green hydrogen
        Speaker: Marcel Risch (HZB)
      • 50
        Revealing corrosion of nano-structured alloys by nano X-ray beam
        Speaker: Jinshan Pan (KTH)
    • 12:30
      Lunch Break
    • Structure, Properties, and Processing of Materials II. -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: 1st half: Christian Krywka, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Peter Staron, Christina Krywka, (click for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: 1st half: Christian Krywka, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Peter Staron, Christina Krywka, (click for details)


      • 51
        Multiscale imaging of nanostructured functional materials for battery research
        Speaker: Ingo Manke (HZB)
      • 52
        X-ray imaging of high temperature metal processing with high temporal and spatial resolution
        Speaker: Domonkos Tolnai (HZG)
      • 53
        Real-time monitoring of very rapid scientific engineering processes by means of diffraction methods
        Speaker: Jens Gibmeier (KIT Karlsruhe)
      • 14:30
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: 1st half: Christian Krywka, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Peter Staron, Christina Krywka, (click for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room -- Chairs: 1st half: Christian Krywka, Peter Staron; 2nd half: Peter Staron, Christina Krywka, (click for details)


      • 54
        In-situ X-ray diffraction experiments under difficult conditions
        Speaker: Jeremy Epp (Leibniz-Institut für Werkstofforientierte Technologien-IWT)
      • 55
        Structural materials under real manufacturing and service conditions: from state-of-the-art to the challenges of tomorrow
        Speaker: Pere Barriobero Vila (DLR Köln)
      • 56
        The HZG scientific instrumentation plans for PETRA IV
        Speaker: Martin Müller (HZG)
    • 15:45
      Coffee Break
    • Energy Storage II. -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Christoph Schlueter, Michael Stückelberger, (CLick for details)

      -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Christoph Schlueter, Michael Stückelberger, (CLick for details)


      • 57
        In-operando and in-situ characterization of Li-Ion and post-Li accumulators
        Speaker: Andreas Würsig (Fraunhofer ISIT)
      • 58
        Using Coherent X-rays to Understand Ion Transport in Electrolytes
        Speaker: Hans-Georg Steinrück (Paderborn University)
      • 59
        In situ XAS investigations on electrode materials for Li-ion and Na-ion batteries
        Speaker: Sylvio Indris (KIT)
      • 17:00
        Coffee Break -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Christoph Schlueter, Michael Stückelberger, (CLick for details) (Online)

        -- Blue Zoom Room --, Chairs: Christoph Schlueter, Michael Stückelberger, (CLick for details)


      • 60
        How could X-ray based battery research look in 2030?
        Speaker: Andy Naylor (Uppsala University)
      • 61
        Nanoscale structure dynamics in operando sodium-ion battery cathodes studied by Bragg CDI
        Speaker: Andrej Singer (Cornell University)
      • 62
        Future Direction for Transport in Electrochemical Energy Storage
        Speaker: Michael Toney (SLAC)
    • Summary / Close out