21–24 Sept 2021
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

IceCube constraints on the scotogenic model

21 Sept 2021, 11:15
Seminar room 4 (a+b)

Seminar room 4 (a+b)

Particle Phenomenology Parallel Session: Phenomenology


Thede de Boer


In radiative seesaw models such as the famous scotogenic model, neutrino masses are generated through loop contributions involving dark matter (DM) particles. We study the capture of these DM candidates in the Sun as well as their subsequent annihilation into SM neutrinos and compute the expected event rates at IceCube in its 86-string configuration. In particular, in the scotogenic model the two scalar components have a naturally small mass splitting, so that also inelastic scattering mediated by Z-bosons must be taken into account. Using a random scan, we find that for mass splittings below 500 keV the event rates reach 10 to $10^6$ events per year and can thus be tested in a dedicated IceCube analysis. Direct detection is found to be less sensitive in the inelastic scenario due to the limited DM velocity on Earth. Depending on time, other models and constraints will also be discussed.

Primary author


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