21–24 Sept 2021
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Worldsheet Correlators in AdS3

22 Sept 2021, 17:25
Seminar room 2

Seminar room 2

Strings & Mathematical Physics Parallel Sessions: String & Mathematical Physics


Lorenz Eberhardt (IAS Princeton)


We revisit the computation of string correlation functions in AdS3 with pure NS-NS flux from a worldsheet point of view. These correlators contain all the perturbative information about the spacetime CFT and the existence of winding strings in AdS3 makes them very rich. We propose a solution to the problem of computing these correlators. The winding correlators encode information about branched covering maps from the worldsheet to the boundary of AdS3. Consistency of this proposal leads to many new and non-trivial relations for branched covering maps. I will discuss the properties of the correlators in detail. In some limiting cases one can compute the full string correlators and explore the spacetime CFT directly.

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Primary author

Lorenz Eberhardt (IAS Princeton)

Presentation materials