21–24 Sept 2021
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The FL bound and its implications

22 Sept 2021, 14:00
Seminar room 2

Seminar room 2

Strings & Mathematical Physics Parallel Sessions: String & Mathematical Physics


Gerben Venken (ITP Heidelberg)


The Festina Lente (FL) bound arises from demanding that very large charged black holes in universes with a positive cosmological constant must decay without becoming singular. The FL bound states that the mass of all charged states is bounded from below by a scale set by the vacuum energy.
In this talk, I will first review the argument for the FL bound from charged black hole decay. I will discuss some of the pheno applications of the FL bound such as to the electroweak hierarchy problem and to Higgs physics. I will discuss the FL bound in a string theory context and go over what it implies for string compactifications with a positive cosmological constant generally and antibrane uplifts specifically.

Based on 1910.01648 and 2106.07650 .

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Primary author

Gerben Venken (ITP Heidelberg)

Presentation materials