1–3 Dec 2020
Virtual Workshop via Zoom
Europe/Berlin timezone

Development of the MicroTCA standard: preparing the next generation

2 Dec 2020, 16:35
Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Virtual Workshop via Zoom

Workshop Meeting room: https://desy.zoom.us/j/98158910820
Talk Future of standard and interoperability Session 6


Kay Rehlich (MCS 4 (Beschleunigerkontrollen (FLASH/XFEL)))


The MicroTCA standard has evolved from a telecom oriented market towards industrial and science applications over the years. It still supports actual industrial technologies. To keep the MicroTCA standard able to solve future applications it has to adapt to the progressing technologies. A main goal in the development is to keep all changes compatible with the existing standard to preserve the investments. The presentation will report on the ideas and status of the New PICMG working group for a next generation MicroTCA.

Primary author

Kay Rehlich (MCS 4 (Beschleunigerkontrollen (FLASH/XFEL)))

Presentation materials