European XFEL Users' Meeting 2021 | DESY Photon Science Users' Meeting 2021




The DESY Photon Science Users´ Meeting will take place from 25-29 January 2021 in conjunction with the European XFEL Users´ Meeting 2021.
The week comprises virtual sessions on research with free-electron laser and synchrotron radiation sources, scientific poster sessions and sessions on future developments at PETRA III and FLASH including the upgrade projects PETRA IV and FLASH 2020+. Satellite meetings will be held in the week before and after the Users´ Meeting.

Login information: All registered participants will receive the login information for the virtual sessions via e-mail (approx. 24 hours before the start of the sessions)

Support: If there are any questions or problems, please contact:

Programme overview

Tuesday: Afternoon: FLASH session
Wednesday: Morning: Poster session 1 | Afternoon: EuXFEL Users´ Meeting
Thursday: Morning: Poster session 2 | Afternoon: PETRA III session
Friday: Mor
ning: DESY Photon Science overview and User Committees


Time zone: CET Europe/Hamburg


    • DAC at HED Instrument: Session 1: Technical Developments Online


      Meeting ID: 913 1478 0612
      Convener: Karen Appel (European XFEL)
      • 1
        DAC experiments in IC2: status and outlook (20+10 min)
        Speaker: Cornelius Strohm (DESY Photon Science)
      • 2
        Status of the SOP and Laser Heating system at IC2 (15+10 min)
        Speaker: Z. Konopkova (European XFEL)
      • 3
      • 14:25
        Coffee break
      • 4
        SAXS @ DESY – overview and future and PETRA IV
        Speaker: Stephan Roth (FS-PE (FS-PE Fachgruppe P03))
    • SAXS/WAS/GISAXS: Material and Bioscience
      • 5
        Current status of P62
        Speaker: Dr Sylvio Haas (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P62 (SmallAngleSc)))
      • 6
        P12 update
        Speaker: Clement Blanchet (EMBL Hamburg)
      • 7
        Analyzing Cross-Sections of Nanocellulose with SAXS/WAXS using Quantized Polydispersity of Elementary Microfibrils
        Speaker: Thomas Rosen (KTH, Sweden)
      • 8
        In-situ and In-operando characterization of Additive Fabrication Processes as revealed by Small and Wide Angle X-ray Scattering using Synchrotron Radiation
        Speaker: Tiberio Ezquerra (CSIC, Spain)
      • 9
        Structure of biomimetic membranes at air-water interfaces obtained by GISAXS
        Speaker: Chen Shen (DESY)
      • 10
        Utilising SAXS and computational fluid dynamics to develop a numerical microscope
        Speaker: Frederik Lundell (KTH, Sweden)
      • 14:40
        Coffee break
    • DAC at HED Instrument: Session 2: Results from 2292 and implication for future experiments Online


      Meeting ID: 913 1478 0612
      Convener: Hanns-Peter Liermann (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
      • 11
        Dynamics of hard x-ray heating for freestanding and pre-compressed metal foils (15 + 10)
        Speaker: J. McHardy (Univ. of Edinburgh)
      • 12
        X-ray heating of H2O+Au during experiment 2292 and implications for the use of couplers for indirect heating of low-Z materials (15 + 10)
        Speaker: R. Husband (DESY)
      • 13
        Melting iron with X-rays: a new core business (15 + 10)
        Speaker: G. Fiquet (UMPC)
      • 14
        X-ray heating and diffraction of Ta during 2292 and implication for reaction chemistry (15 +10)
        Speakers: E. Obannon (LLNL), Z. Jenei (LLNL)
      • 15
        Temperature induced structural and electron spin state changes in the x-ray heated FeCO3 system at the Earth's lower mantle pressure (15 +10)
        Speaker: J. Kaa (Uni. Dortmund)
      • 16
      • 17:15
        Coffee break
    • SAXS/WAS/GISAXS: Inorganic/organic interfaces
      Convener: Matthias Schwartzkopf (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P03))
      • 17
        P08 – status and highlights
        Speaker: Florian Bertram (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P08))
      • 18
        In-situ investigation of sputter deposition electrodes on different layers based on non-fullerene organic solar cell
        Speaker: Xinyu Jiang (TUM)
      • 19
        Nucleation and Growth of PbBrF Crystals at the Liquid Mercury−Electrolyte Interface Studied by Operando X‑ray Scattering
        Speaker: Bridget Murphy (Kiel University)
      • 20
        Monitoring nanostructural transformations during gold sputtering onto zwitterionic thin polymer films
        Speaker: Apostolos Vagias (TUM)
      • 16:10
        Coffee break
    • SAXS/WAS/GISAXS: Solar cells - in situ and operando studies
      Convener: Sylvio Haas (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P62 (SmallAngleSc)))
      • 21
        P03 – current status and future perspectives
        Speaker: Matthias Schwartzkopf (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P03))
      • 22
        The nanofocus end station at P03.
        Speaker: Anton Davydok (Helmholtz Zentrum Geesthacht)
      • 23
        In situ GIWAXS measurements of 2-step slot-die coated MAPbI3 thin-film formation for PV application
        Speaker: Manuel Scheel (TUM)
      • 24
        Structure degradation of quantum dot solids for solar cells
        Speaker: Wei Chen (TUM)
      • 25
        In-situ and in-operando scattering studies on polymer based organic solar cells
        Speaker: Peter Müller-Buschbaum (TU München)
      • 26
        The Interface between Water−Solvent Mixtures and a Hydrophobic Surface
        Speaker: Annemarie Prihoda (FAU)
    • DAC at HED Instrument: Session 3: Future Technical Developments Online


      Meeting ID: 913 1478 0612
      Convener: Cornelius Strohm (DESY Photon Science)
      • 27
        Performing dDAC experiments at IC2 of the HED (15 +10)
        Speakers: Hanns-Peter Liermann (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III)), Z. Jenei (LLNL)
      • 28
        Single shot imaging and diffraction in IC2 (15 +10)
        Speaker: Johannes Hagemann (FS-PETRA (PETRA III))
      • 29
        Towards higher densities of matter: pre-compression in shock dynamic experiments at HED Instrument (15 +10)
        Speaker: Dr Valerio Cerantola (Eur.XFEL (European XFEL))
      • 30
    • SAXS/WAS/GISAXS: General discussion round
      Convener: Stephan Roth (FS-PE (FS-PE Fachgruppe P03))
    • High Energy X-ray Diffraction for Physics and Chemistry: Session 1
      Conveners: Ann-Christin Dippel (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P07211)), Martin von Zimmermann (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P07211))
      • 31
        13:30 Status and new developments at the high energy X-ray diffraction station P07-DESY Ann-Christin Dippel DESY
        Speaker: Ann-Christin Dippel (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P07211))
      • 32
        Status and new developments at the Broad Band Diffraction Beamline P21.1
        Speaker: Oleh Ivashko (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P07211))
    • 15:00
      Coffee break
    • High Energy X-ray Diffraction for Physics and Chemistry: Session 2
      • 33
        High-energy surface x-ray diffraction for structural and dynamic studies of electrode surfaces
        Speaker: Gary Harlow (University of Copenhagen)
      • 34
        In situ XRD studies of phase transitions during fast annealing of metallic glasses
        Speaker: Ivan Kaban (IFW Dresden)
      • 35
        Possible quantum fluctuations in the vicinity of the quantum critical point of (Sr,Ca)3Ir4Sn13 revealed by high energy x-ray diffraction
        Speaker: Larissa Ishibe-Veiga (Diamond Light Source)
      • 36
        In-field scattering investigation of a low-temperature nematic phase in a quantum material
        Speaker: Zahir Islam (Argonne National Laboratory)
      • 37
    • The DESY NanoLab
      • 38
        Speaker: Andreas Stierle (FS-NL (Nanolab))
      • 39
        Correlating Microstructure and Corrosion of Advanced Alloys by Synchrotron Techniques
        Speaker: Jinshan Pan (KTH Royal Institute of Technology, Division of Surface Chemistry and Corrosion)
      • 40
        Surface Science Approach to Corrosion and Corrosion Inhibition
        Speaker: Frank Renner (Hasselt University)
      • 41
        High pressure environments and samples: toward the bright future with the NanoLab
        Speaker: Konstantin Glazyrin (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
      • 42
        X-ray Diffraction Microscopy of Non-Cubic Gold Microcrystallites
        Speaker: Milan Sanyal (Saha Institute of Nuclear Physics (SINP))
      • 43
        Three-dimensional strain characterization of SrTiO3 particles extracted from a bulk sample
        Speaker: Dmitry Dzhigaev (Lund University)
      • 10:45
        Coffee break
      • 44
        Supercrystalline nanocomposites: Boosting and controlling the mechanical behavior of these new multifunctional materials
        Speaker: Diletta Giuntini (Technical University Hamburg (TUHH), Institut für Keramische Hochleistungswerkstoffe)
      • 45
        Demanding sample environment and preparation for in situ ptychographic X-ray microscopy studies of nickel based methanation catalysts
        Speaker: Sebastian Weber (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), IKFT)
      • 46
        Structure of monolayer cobalt oxides under CO oxidation conditions by grazing-incidence XAFS
        Speaker: Richard Lindsay Merte (Malmo University (MAU), Department of Materials Science and Applied Mathematics)
      • 47
        Heterogeneous Adsorption and Local Ordering of Formic Acid on Magnetite (111)
        Speaker: Dr Marcus Creutzburg (FS-NL (Nanolab))
    • Industry Satellite Meeting 2021- From basic research to application: Beamtime at home with compact accelerators
      • 48
        Welcome to the DESY innovation ecosystem
        Speaker: Dr Arik Willner (Chief Technology Officer)
      • 49
        X-ray analysis at DESY for industrial needs
        Speaker: Dr Djamschid Safi (Head of Business Development Office)
      • 50
        Tech2Med – a project bringing a compact accelerator from basic research to the market
        Speaker: Dr Arik Willner (Chief Technology Officer)
      • 51
        Laser plasma acceleration- the technology for beamtime at home
        Speaker: Prof. Wim Leemans (Director of the Accelerator Division)
      • 52
        Questions and answers
        Speakers: Dr Nadja Kölpin (Industry Relations Management), Dr Sabine Brock (Industry Relations Management)
    • 11th Workshop on X-Ray Nano-Imaging of Biological and Chemical Systems at PETRA III: Session 1: Nano-imaging and P10 workshop session
      • 53
        Introduction (PETRA III nano-imaging beamlines and Nanolab)
        Speakers: Andreas Stierle (FS-NL (Nanolab)), Christian Schroer (DESY)
      • 54
        High Voxel Throughput Tomography for COVID-19 Imaging (and more)
        Speaker: Markus Osterhoff (Röntgenphysik Göttingen)
      • 55
        Dark and Bright Osteons: Collagen Fiber Orientation Guides Bone Nanocomposition and Modulates Biomechanical Properties
        Speaker: Kilian Stockhausen (University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf)
      • 56
        Nickel trafficking in laticifers of Pycnandra acuminata revealed by synchrotron X-ray fluorescence micro-computed tomography (XRF-MCT)
        Speaker: Antony van der Ent (The University of Queensland)
      • 15:25
        Coffee Break
      • 57
        X-ray Nano-Tomography on the Fragmentation Behavior of Ziegler-type Catalyst Particles
        Speaker: Koen Bossers (Univ.Utrecht)
      • 58
        Structural study of a single Au mesocrystal grain by Coherent X-ray Diffraction Imaging
        Speaker: Jerome Carnis (DESY FS-PS)
      • 59
        Soft X-ray Imaging spectroscopy with micrometer resolution
        Speaker: Jan Schunk (DESY)
      • 60
        Probing multiscale structural and mechanical properties of biological composite using microprobe of P06
        Speaker: Yi Zhang (IHEP Bejing)
      • 61
        Closing remarks
    • Swedish Material Science beamline Meeting: Welcome
      • 62
      • 63
        P21.1 Update and likely operational plans to midsummer 2021
        Speaker: Ulrich Lienert (DESY)
      • 64
        User presentations of emerging beamline results
        Speakers: Gary Harlow (Lund University ), Martin Fisk (Lund University), Thomas Rhys (Manchester University), Vedran Vonk (DESY)
      • 14:30
        Coffee break
      • 65
        Introduction to the P21.1 beamline for material scientists.
        Speaker: Martin von Zimmermann (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P07211))
      • 66
        Future outline for the Swedish Material Science Community at the SMS beamline and PETRA IV (Training, experimental environments, beamline updates, PETRA IV etc)
        Speaker: Peter Hedström (Director CeXS)
      • 67
      • 68
        Wrap up
    • Satellite Meeting: X-ray absorption spectroscopy at P64/65: Session 1: Instrumentation
      • 69
        Status of P65 and perspectives for bulk EXAFS at PETRA IV
        Speaker: Edmund Welter (FS-PETRA-S (FS-PET-S Fachgruppe P65(High-Energy)))
      • 70
        Status of P64
        Speaker: Wolfgang Caliebe (DESY)
      • 71
        X ray absorption spectroscopy study of cobalt nitride thin films
        Speaker: Mukul Gupta (UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research, Indore, India)
      • 72
        High Resolution hard X-ray Spectroscopy at PETRA III Beamline P64: Present and Future
        Speaker: Aleksandr Kalinko (DESY)
      • 73
        Pump-Probe Spectroscopy @ P64 : X-ray beam, sample environment, detectors
        Speaker: Maria Naumova (DESY)
      • 74
        Pump-Probe XAFS @ P64: The Laser System
        Speaker: Benjamin Grimm-Lebsanft (Uni-HH)
      • 15:20
        Coffee break
    • Status and research high-lights of the ECB (P02.2) at PETRA III: Session 1: Science High-Lights
      Convener: Hanns-Peter Liermann (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
      • 75
        Development of resistive-heating diamond anvil cell technique and its application to subduction zone mineral physics (20 + 5)
        Speakers: Y. Bang (Yonsei Uni, Korea), Y. Lee (Yonsei Uni, Korea)
      • 76
        Atomic scale mixing between (Mg,Fe)O and H2O in the deep interiors of water-rich planets (20 + 5)
        Speakers: T. Kim (T.), Y. Lee (Yonsei Uni, Korea)
      • 77
        Phase Stability of Al-bearing Dense Hydrous Magnesium Silicate at High Pressure and Temperature: Implication for Water Transportation in Earth's Mantle (20 + 5)
        Speaker: X. Li (DESY/GFZ)
      • 78
        Does Heterogeneous Strain Act as a Control on Seismic Anisotropy in Earth’s Lower Mantle? (20 + 5)
        Speaker: S. Couper (Uni. Uta)
      • 14:40
        Coffee Break
      • 79
        Tuning lattice distortion in high-entropy oxides by high pressure (20 + 5)
        Speaker: Q. Zeng (HPSTAR)
      • 80
        Elements of structural transitions in FeBO3: high pressure spin state crossover and beyond (20 + 5)
        Speaker: Konstantin Glazyrin (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
      • 81
        Alkali Metals at Multi-Megabar Pressures (20 + 5)
        Speaker: C. Storm (Uni. Edinburgh)
      • 82
        Studies of pharmaceuticals at high pressure (20 + 5)
        Speaker: N. Giordano (DESY)
      • 16:30
        Coffee Break
    • Satellite Meeting: X-ray absorption spectroscopy at P64/65: Session 2: Experimental Results
      • 83
        Time-resolved surface-sensitive X-ray absorption spectroscopy at the Quick-EXAFS beamline P64
        Speaker: Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht (Universität Wuppertal)
      • 84
        A hydrothermal apparatus for X-ray absorption spectroscopy of supercritical fluids at DESY
        Speaker: Manuela Borchert (Univ. Münster)
      • 85
        Defect investigations by element- specific excitation of optical luminescence
        Speaker: Sergiu Levcenco (Univ. Leipzig)
      • 86
        Development of operando reaction cell for simultaneous measurement of UV/Vis DRS and XAS at P65
        Speaker: Rachit Khare (TUM)
      • 87
        Operando Synchrotron Studies in Heterogeneous Catalysis using a novel Spatial Profile Reactor
        Speaker: Birte Wollak (TU-HH)
      • 88
        Thermochromic phase transition in CuMo1-xWxO4 solid solutions probed by resonant X-ray emission spectroscopy at the W L3-edge
        Speaker: Inga Pudza (Univ. Latvia, Riga, Latvia)
    • Status and research high-lights of the ECB (P02.2) at PETRA III: Session 2: Technical High-Lights
      Convener: Konstantin Glazyrin (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
      • 89
        Toroidal DAC progress at EBC (20 + 5)
        Speaker: C. Dong (OCPC Program)
      • 90
        Combined PCI and diffraction of dynamically-compressed Ga (20 + 5)
        Speaker: Rachel Husband (DESY)
      • 91
        Update on the LH setup at P02.2 (20 + 5)
        Speaker: N. Giodarno (DESY)
      • 92
        Update on the technical status of the ECB and the PETRA IV project (20 + 5)
        Speaker: Hanns-Peter Liermann (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
    • High speed data and metadata handling for photon science experiments: Satellite Workshop
      • 93
        Welcome, agenda, introduction to topics (online analysis, metadata/logbook)
      • 94
        Intro/motivation/status of ASAP:O
        Speaker: Sergey Yakubov (DESY)
      • 95
        P02 use case
        Speakers: Mikhail Karnevskiy (DESY), Tim Schoof (FS-SC (Scientific computing))
      • 10:50
        Coffee break
      • 96
        Overview of user needs from CFEL experiences
        Speaker: Oleksandr Yefanov (DESY)
      • 97
        The COVID-19 project metadatabase
        Speaker: Philipp Middendorf (DESY)
      • 98
        Use cases from MX
        Speaker: Johanna Hakanpää (DESY)
      • 99
        Speaker: Neil Smith (Diamond)
      • 100
        Speaker: Stephan Egli (PSI)
      • 101
        Speaker: Sergey Yakubov (DESY)
    • FLASH Session
      • 102
        Speakers: Edgar Weckert (DESY), Martin Beye (DESY)
      • 103
        FLASH 2020+ Machine t.b.a.
        Speaker: E. Allaria (DESY)
      • 104
        FLASH New Instrumentation

        In this presentation I will briefly review last year’s operation under COVID-19 boundary conditions and then mainly focus on the new instrumentation features in the FLASH experimental halls. Topics are the new pulse-train laser at the PG beamlines, the TRIXS end station for time-resolved RIXS studies at beamline PG1 as well as the new split-and-delay unit at the FLASH2 beamline FL24.

        Short info on the speaker:
        1995 PhD, Univ. of Hamburg
        1998-2016: Staff scientist, FLASH [former VUV-FEL]
        since 2016: Group Leader FS-FLASH-O, FLASH Scientific User Operations
        Research fields: Free-Electron-Lasers, Beamlines + Diagnostics, Cond. Matter physics, AMO + Cluster physics, Diffraction Imaging (Scopus author ID: 6603772448, Orcid-ID: 0000-0001-8479-8862)

        Speaker: R. Treusch
      • 15:10
        Coffee break
      • 105
        Single-shot temporal characterization of XUV pulses@FLASH

        Results of single-shot temporal characterization of ultra-short XUV pulses generated by the free-electron laser FLASH will be presented. Using a THz field-driven streaking setup, the limits of this technique were investigated by employing different pulse durations from sub 10 fs to 350fs and different XUV wavelengths. Limits and possible error sources of the diagnostic method are discussed. Furthermore, the single-shot XUV pulse duration measurement allows the detailed investigation of the interplay between different properties of the strongly fluctuating self-amplified spontaneous emission (SASE) radiation. Correlations between pulse duration, pulse energy, spectral distribution and arrival time are explored in the experimental data as well as in simulations. Finally, an outlook on how such a system can be implemented as online photon diagnostic will be presented.
        Short info on the speaker:
        Studied in Würzburg and Austin, TX
        PhD in Jena on laser plasma physics
        Since 2003 member of the FLASH photon diagnostics team

        Interests: Ultrafast dynamics, ultrahigh intensity interactions and AMO physics

        Speaker: Stefan Duesterer (FS-FLASH-D (FLASH Photon Diagnostics and Controls))
      • 106
        Ultrafast probing of molecular dynamics at the sulfur L-edge

        We probe the UV induced relaxation of the thionucleobase 2-thiouracil. This class of molecules shows an efficient and ultrafast relaxation into long-lived triplet states, contrasting with the ultrafast relaxation to the ground states observed in canonical nucleobases. This gives rise to interesting applications as photoinduced-cross linkers as well as problems related to its current use of thionucleobases as medication.
        We investigate the dynamics of 2-thiouracil via x-ray probing at the sulfur L-edge using the new URSA-PQ instrument for gas-phase spectroscopy at FLASH [1]. We have performed time-resolved Auger spectroscopy that exhibits features of the expanding C-S bond of the molecule after photoexcitation [1]. Besides, we have performed sulfur 2p photoelectron spectroscopy that contains rich information about the electronic relaxation path. We interpret these results by a UV induced change of the local charge at the sulfur atom, which changes as the molecule relaxes from its photoexcited electronic state to lower-lying product states.

        [1] URSA-PQ: a mobile and flexible pump-probe instrument for gas phase samples at the FLASH free electron laser, J. Metje, F. Lever, D. Mayer, R. J. Squibb, M. S. Robinson, M. Niebuhr, R. Feifel, S. Düsterer, M Gühr, Applied Sciences 10, 7882 (2020)
        [2] Ultrafast dynamics of 2-thiouracil investigated by time-resolved Auger spectroscopy
        F. Lever, D. Mayer, D. Picconi, J. Metje, S. Alisauskas, F. Calegari, S. Düsterer, C. Ehlert, R. Feifel, M. Niebuhr, B. Manschwetus, M. Kuhlmann, T. Mazza, M. S. Robinson, R. J. Squibb, A. Trabattoni, M. Wallner, P. Saalfrank,T. J. A. Wolf, M Gühr, J. Phys. B 54, 014002 (2020)

        Short info on the speaker:

        PhD physics, FU Berlin (2005)
        Postdoctoral Scholar Stanford University (2006-2007)
        Staff, Associate and Senior Staff Scientist, SLAC (2007-2015)
        Lichtenberg Professor (2015-2020)

        Research fields: ultrafast x-ray science, molecular photoinduced dynamics, ultrafast electron scattering

        Markus Gühr, Experimental Quantum Physics Group, Physics and Astronomy Institute, Universität Potsdam

        Speaker: Markus Gühr (Universität Potsdam)
      • 107
        Ultrafast Real-Time Dynamics an Oxide Photocatalyst
        Speaker: H. Noei (DESY)
    • 108
      Poster session - Testsession
    • Poster Session 1
    • Soft X-ray FEL Session: Soft X-Ray FEL Session
      • 109
      • 110
        Dissociation dynamics of small molecules (O2, H2O)
        Speaker: T. Jahnke (Univ. Frankfurt)
      • 111
        Observation of an Excitonic Mott Transition Through Ultrafast Core-cum-Conduction Photoemission Spectroscopy
        Speaker: M. Dendzik (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
      • 112
        Direct visualization of spin-lattice coupling in FePt nanoparticles
        Speaker: H. Duerr (Univ. Uppsala, Sweden)
    • 12:40
    • European XFEL Users’ meeting 2021
    • 113
      Poster Session -Testsession
    • Poster Session - 2: Poster Session
    • 12:00
      Lunch break
    • PETRA III Session: - Part 1
      • 114
        Speaker: Edgar Weckert (Director Photon Science)
      • 115
        Challenges in the design and construction of diffraction limited synchrotron light sources
        Speaker: Riccardo Bartolini (MPY (Beschleunigerphysik))
      • 116
        Experiments at PETRA IV: The route to the new beamline portfolio
        Speaker: Christian Schroer (DESY)
      • 117
        Ptychographic X-ray Speckle Tracking

        Recent developments in layer deposition techniques have enabled the fabrication of a series of highly focusing X-ray lenses, known as wedged multi-layer Laue lenses. Improvements to the lens design and fabrication technique demand an accurate, robust, in situ and at-wavelength characterization method. To this end, a modified form of the speckle tracking wavefront metrology method has been developed. The ptychographic X-ray speckle tracking method is capable of operating with highly divergent wavefields. A useful by-product of this method is that it also provides high-resolution and aberration-free projection images of extended specimens. In this talk will outline the method and present recent results.

        Short information on the speaker
        Affiliation: School of Physics, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria 3010, Australia
        Research fields: x-ray imaging, phase retrieval, data science, software development
        Short CV:
        • 2013 - PhD on x-ray and electron holographic imaging at the University of Melbourne
        • 2013 - Teaching Associate at Monash University
        • 2013-2018 - Postdoctoral Researcher at the Centre for Free-Electron Laser Science (DESY)
        • 2018-2020 - Research Fellow in Biomolecular Imaging at the University of Melbourne
        • 2021 - ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher at the University of Melbourne

        Speaker: A. Morgan (Univ. Melbourne, Australia)
      • 118
        Core–Shell Nanoparticle Interface and Wetting Properties
        Speaker: E. Malmström (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)
    • 15:10
      Coffee break
    • PETRA III Session: - Part 2
      • 119
        Understanding electrochemical switchability of perovskite-type exsolution catalysts

        Precipitating metallic nanoparticles from perovskite-type oxides upon applying reducing conditions is a highly promising approach to obtain oxide-supported catalysts with exceptional properties. This process is often called exsolution. On mixed ionic/electronic conducting oxide electrodes the obtained catalyst particles can be electrochemically switched between different activity states, which is a particularly interesting property of these novel catalysts.
        In this work, the exsolution and re-oxidation of iron particles on perovskite-type mixed conducting La0.6Sr0.4FeO3-δ (LSF) electrodes was studied by synchrotron-based in-situ X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and X-ray diffraction (XRD) at 625 °C in H2/H2O atmosphere. Upon cathodically polarizing the LSF electrodes – i.e. applying strongly reducing conditions – the formation of metallic α-Fe particles could be observed on the LSF surface. This change of the electrode surface chemistry was accompanied by a strong improvement of its electro-catalytic activity. In contrast, application of sufficiently high anodic polarization – i.e. oxidizing conditions – the oxidation of α-Fe to Fe1xO and Fe3O4 could be observed, accompanied by a drastic drop of the catalytic activity. This shows that re-integration of iron into the perovskite lattice is thus not required for obtaining a switchable catalyst. Rather, it is possible to reversibly switch between high and low activity state even though the exsolution process itself is irreversible.
        To understand the origin of the high and low electro-catalytic activity, a mechanism is suggested which considers the different adsorption behavior of hydrogen on metallic iron and oxides. A consequence of this is that the presence of metallic iron particles establishes a novel reaction pathway that bypasses the rate limiting step on the bare oxide electrode surface, thus enabling the observed increase in electro-catalytic activity.
        Short information on the speaker
        Alexander K. Opitz
        TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies and Analytics
        Getreidemarkt 9/164-EC, 1060 Vienna, Austria


        Short CV
        Since Nov. 2018 Assistant Prof. at TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Division Electrochemistry

        Feb. – Sept. 2017 Visiting Scientist at MIT, Department of Nuclear Science and Engineering, Research Group of Prof. Bilge Yildiz.
        Since 2014 Head of Research Group “Electrochemical Energy Conversion”

        Aug. 2011 – Oct. 2018 University Assistant at TU Wien, Institute of Chemical Technologies & Analytics, Division Electrochemistry.

        Aug. 2008 – Jul. 2011 PhD study at TU Wien. Title of thesis: „Oxygen Exchange Pathways of Platinum Model Electrodes on Yttria-stabilized Zirconia“

        Main Research Areas
        • Electrochemistry & Solid State Ionics: Study of electrode kinetics, current pathways, and electrochemically active zones of solid state electrochemical systems, high temperature electrolysis of H2O and CO2.

        • Heterogeneous Catalysis: In-situ spectroscopic and analytic studies on the surface chemistry and catalytic activity of electrodes.

        • Materials Chemistry: Synthesis and characterization of novel, alternative materials for solid oxide cells.

        Speaker: A. Opitz (TU Wien, Austria)
      • 120
        Superlattices of nanocluster and quantum dots: a playing field for exploiting structure-transport correlations
        Speaker: M. Scheele (Univ. Tübingen)
      • 121
        Functional supramolecular structures in infectious diseases mechanisms and therapy

        Meytal Landau1,2, Yizhaq Engelberg1, Nimrod Golan1, Sergei Perov1, Nir Salinas1, Einav Tayeb-Fligelman1, Eilon Barnea1, and Peleg Ragonis1

        1 Department of Biology, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
        2 The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Hamburg, Germany

        Protein fibrils that perform physiological activities, such as functional amyloids, could provide new therapeutic venues, mostly due to their roles as key virulence determinants in microbes, antimicrobial activities, and possible involvement in systemic and neurodegenerative diseases. Moreover, they display unique stability and tunable self-assembly, which could be used to design therapeutics with enhanced endurance, bioavailability and shelf-life, as well controlled activity. Yet, these fibrous proteins present great challenges in structural and functional studies due to their aggregative and partially disordered nature, and structural polymorphisms observed in similar and even identical sequences. Using X-ray micro-crystallography, we determined the first high resolution structures of bacterial amyloids involved in cytotoxicity, antibacterial activity and biofilm structuring [1-4]. The similar structures of biofilm-associated and human pathological amyloidogenic regions led to repurposing of anti-Alzheimer’s compounds to act against Salmonella biofilm. Moreover, the structural similarity implies on possible inter-species interactions that could have bearing on amyloid diseases by the creation of transmissible agents. In addition, we offer atomic-resolution insight into three fibril-forming antimicrobial peptides from bacteria, an amphibian and human [5-6], which featured unique morphologies, including novel types of protein fibrils composed of densely packed helices (Fig. 1). The self-assembly is critical for the antibacterial activity. We expect that a detailed molecular understanding of functional fibrils will provide the foundation for antimicrobial translational research and for elucidation of the etiology of and interactions between microbial and human ‘amylomes’ in health and disease.

        The crystal structures of fibrils of two antimicrobial peptides from human (left) [5] and an amphibian (right) [6] are shown. Transmission electron micrographs show the interactions of the fibrils with bacterial cells.

        [1] Tayeb-Fligelman, E.; Tabachnikov, O.; Moshe, A.; Goldshmidt-Tran, O.; Sawaya, M.R.; Coquelle, N.; Colletier, J.P., and Landau, M., The cytotoxic Staphylococcus aureus PSMalpha3 reveals a cross-alpha amyloid-like fibril. Science 355, 831-833;2017
        [2] Salinas, N.; Colletier, J.P.; Moshe, A., and Landau, M., Extreme amyloid polymorphism in Staphylococcus aureus virulent PSMalpha peptides. Nat Commun, 9, 3512; 2018
        [3] Perov, S.; Lidor, O.; Salinas, N.; Golan, N.; Tayeb-Fligelman, E.; Deshmukh, M.; Willbold, D., and Landau, M., Structural Insights into Curli CsgA Cross-beta Fibril Architecture Inspire Repurposing of Anti-amyloid Compounds as Anti-biofilm Agents. PLoS Pathog, 15, e1007978; 2019
        [4] Tayeb-Fligelman, E.; Salinas, N.; Tabachnikov, O., and Landau, M., Staphylococcus aureus PSMalpha3 Cross-alpha Fibril Polymorphism and Determinants of Cytotoxicity. Structure 3;28(3):301-313; 2020.
        [5] Engelberg Y. and Landau M.. The Human LL-37(17-29) Antimicrobial Peptide Reveals a Functional Supramolecular Structure. Nat Commun 11, 3894; 2020
        [6] Salinas N., Tayeb-Fligelman E., Sammito M., Bloch D., Jelinek R., Noy D., Uson I., and Landau M. The Amphibian Antimicrobial Peptide Uperin 3.5 is a Cross-α/Cross-β Chameleon Functional Amyloid. PNAS 118 (3) e2014442118; 2021

        Short info on the speaker

        Academic Positions
        2020-Present Visiting Group Leader
        The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Hamburg, Germany

        2019-present Associate Professor
        The Faculty of Biology at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

        2012-2018 Assistant Professor
        The Faculty of Biology at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

        2013-2015 David and Inez Mayers Career Advancement Chair in Life Sciences Fellow
        The Faculty of Biology at the Technion – Israel Institute of Technology

        Professional Positions
        2019-present Visiting Scientist on one-year Sabbatical
        Centre for Structural System Biology (CSSB) at the DESY campus, Hamburg, Germany
        Affiliation: The European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL)
        Hosts: Profs. Kay Grünewald and Matthias Wilmanns

        2007-2012 Post-doctoral scholar
        University of California, Los Angeles, USA.
        Adviser: Prof. David Eisenberg
        Subject: Structural investigation of amyloid proteins

        2002-2007 Research assistant (support research with computational aspects)
        The laboratory of Prof. Uri Seligsohn at the Amalia Biron Research Institute of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, Chaim Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer and Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel

        Research Field: Functional fibrils, microbial amyloids, antimicrobials, X-ray crystallography, cryogenic electron microscopy

        Speaker: M. Landau (CSSB/EMBL, Technion Haifa)
      • 122
        Extreme conditions crystallography: the status and the challenges
        Speaker: Konstantin Glazyrin (FS-PE (Experimentebetreuung PETRA III))
    • Future DESY
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        Speaker: H. Dosch (DESY)
      • 124
        Oveview DESY Photon Science
        Speaker: Edgar Weckert (Director Photon Science)
      • 125
        PETRA III and future outlook - PETRA IV
        Speaker: Christian Schroer (DESY)
      • 126
        The PETRA IV Machine Project
        Speaker: Riccardo Bartolini (MPY (Beschleunigerphysik))
    • 10:30
      Coffee Break
    • Future DESY
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        FLASH and future outlook – FLASH2020+
        Speaker: Martin Beye (FS-FLASH (FLASH))
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        3D virtual histology of lung and heart tissue affected by severe causes of Covid-19

        T. Salditt, Univ. Göttingen

        Severe progression of Covid‐19 is frequently accompanied by lethal respiratory failure. The underlying lung injury can already be detected by radiographic chest imaging and clinical
        computed tomography (CT). However, in order to study disease mechanisms at the cellular level, a much higher resolution is required. For this purpose, the tissue obtained by surgical intervention or from a post mortem autopsy is cut into thin sections, stained and observed in an optical microscope. However, conventional histology suffers from some important
        limitations. Images are obtained only of two‐dimensional sections but not of the entire three‐dimensional (3D) volume. In order to accurately track the tree of blood vessels, to
        visualise alveolar morphology and to perform precise measurements of alveolar wall thickness which is important for gas exchange in the lung, the cyto‐architecture of the lung
        has to be visualised in 3D and at high resolution, after locating regions of interest such as inflammation sites. For this purpose, we have adapted phase‐contrast (PC) X‐ray
        computerised tomography (CT) such that three‐dimensional imaging tasks can be performed non‐destructively on lung autopsies or biopsies. We have used this new technique to
        investigate tissue samples from Covid‐19 patients, as well healthy control samples [1].
        Using multi‐scale phase contrast X‐ray tomography we can augment the pathological assessment and understanding of Covid‐10 pathophysiology based on detailed 3D visualizations of diffuse alveolar damage (DAD) with its prominent hyaline membrane formation, mapping out the distribution of immune cells infiltrating the tissue, and by providing histograms of characteristic distances from tissue interior to the closest air
        compartment. Most recently, we have extended this to investigations of heart tissue, which can also show severe damage of vasculature.

        In this talk, I present the current status of the project, the pathological relevance, and the technical challenges concerning data acquisition, reconstruction and analysis. I will finish with an outlook on how 3D virtual histology and patho‐histology can be further developed and be applied to biomedical research.

        [1] Marina Eckermann, Jasper Frohn, Marius Reichardt, Markus Osterhoff, Michael Sprung, Fabian
        Westermeier, Alexandar Tzankov, Christopher Werlein, Mark Kühnel, Danny Jonigk, Tim Saldittt, 3D
        virtual pathohistology of lung tissue from Covid‐19 patients based on phase contrast X‐ray
        tomography. eLife 2020;9:e60408 doi: 10.7554/eLife.60408

        Speaker: Tim Salditt (Univ. Göttingen)
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        Drug screening at PETRA III
        Speaker: Alke Meents (DESY)
      • 130
        Report of the ‘DESY Photon Science User Committee’ (DPS-UC)
        Speaker: Peter Müller-Buschbaum (DPS-UC Chair (TU München) )
      • 131
        Report of the ‚Committee Research with Synchrotron Radiation’ (KFS)

        The Committee Research with Synchrotron Radiation (“Komitee Forschung mit Synchrotronstrahlung" (KFS), Link see [1]) is an elected body which represents the interest of more than 4000 synchrotron radiation users (including FEL) in Germany.
        Our aim is to act as a link between users and the facilities, between the users and the funding agencies, between Germany and Europe and international sources. In particular, we help to coordinate and to develop strategies for synchrotron radiation applications at national and international sources such as outlined in the recently published strategy paper (“Light for the future” [2]). We want to promote synchrotron research, networking and support especially young enthusiastic researchers and initiatives like NFDI, ErUM-Data and “BMBF-Verbundforschung“ (ErUM-Pro).
        The new KFS has been set up very recently in December 2020 after the election in autumn 2020. The following scientists were elected as members for the next three years:
        Jan-Dierk Grunwaldt (chair, Karlsruhe Institute of Technology)
        Sarah Köster (vice chair, University of Göttingen)
        Bridget Murphy (University of Kiel)
        Birgit Kanngießer (Technical University of Berlin)
        Andrea Thorn (University of Hamburg)
        Christian Gutt (University of Siegen)
        Taisia Gorkhover (University of Hamburg)
        Dirk Lützenkirchen-Hecht (University of Wuppertal)
        In addition, guests representing the German photon facilities BESSY II, DELTA, KIT-Synchrotron, PETRA III, FLASH and the European facilities ESRF and the European XFEL, representatives from funding agencies, PT-DESY and further experts are members.
        Do you have topics to be discussed? We are open for opinions, suggestions and questions. Do not hesitate to contact us (Karin Griewatsch,
        [2] Strategy-Brochure:

        Short info on the speaker:
        Chair of the 12. KFS, Full professor at Karlsruhe Institute of Technology since 2010,

        Speaker: J.-D. Grunwaldt (KFS Chair (KIT Karlsruhe))
      • 132
        Report of the ‘European synchrotron and FEL user organisation’ (ESUO)
        Speaker: U. Pietsch (ESUO Chair (Univ. Siegen))
    • Satellite Workshop: In situ high P studies using the Large Volume Press at P61B
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        Speaker: Robert Farla (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P61 (Wiggler Bl.)))
      • 134
        Recent results and future projects for high-pressure-temperature in situ X-ray diffraction experiments at beam line P61B (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: Tomoo Katsura (Universität Bayreuth)
      • 135
        Probing element partitioning in situ at high P and T with EDX (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: C. Sanloup (Uni. Paris)
      • 136
        Determination of akimotoite-bridgmanite (MgSiO3) phase transition at 1250-2050 K using a multi-anvil press with in-situ X-ray diffraction: Explanation of the 660-km discontinuity depressions beneath cold subduction zones (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: A. Chanychev (BGI, Univ. of Bayreuth / DESY)
      • 14:25
        Coffee break
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        In-situ investigation of solid-gas/fluid reactions at gigapascal pressures using LVP beamlines (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: U. Häussermann (Uni. Stockholm)
      • 138
        Phosphorus Nitrides under Pressure - ex-situ and in-situ (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: S. Ambach (LMU München)
      • 139
        Multi-phase XRD analysis of materials synthesized with the LVP at P61B (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: L. Wiehl (TU Darmstadt)
      • 15:55
        Coffee break
      • 140
        Status and development of beamline P61B (20 + 5 min)
        Speaker: Robert Farla (FS-PETRA-D (FS-PET-D Fachgruppe P61 (Wiggler Bl.)))
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        Discussions for PETRA III and IV, close-out (25 min)