PUNCH4NFDI Open Data Workshop

Matthias Steinmetz (Leibniz Institute for Astrophysics Potsdam), Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius (DESY)

PUNCH4NFDI aims at developing concepts and tools for the efficient management of digital research products in basic physics research. At the heart of the research products are scientific data sets that we want to make available to a broad public for a sustainable usage (“open data"). 

The first PUNCH4NFDI “open data workshop” will give the opportunity for a first survey of existing and planned open data initiatives within the PUNCH science field. It will address conceptional differences and commonalities between different approaches, inform the PUNCH community about existing open data sets, and enquire about the community’s requirements for a better use of open data. 

The workshop results will serve as a basis and starting point for PUNCH4NFDI open data activites. Since the workshop is openly accessible, the presentations will be kept in a style understandable to a broad scientific audience. 

    • 14:15 14:20
      Welcome and introduction 5m
      Speaker: Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius (DESY)
    • 14:20 14:35
      The NFDI and open data 15m
      Speaker: Hendrik Seitz-Moskaliuk (NFDI)
    • 14:35 14:50
      CERN Open Data, and HEP experiments in general 15m
      Speaker: Achim Geiser (CMS (CMS Fachgruppe QCD))
    • 14:50 15:05
      Astronomy and ESO open data approaches 15m
      Speaker: Michael Sterzik (ESO)
    • 15:05 15:20
      Virtual Observatory 15m
      Speaker: Markus Demleitner (Universität Heidelberg)
    • 15:20 15:35
      KCDC 15m
      Speaker: Andreas Haungs (Karlsruhe Institute of Technology - KIT)
    • 15:35 15:50
      Coffee (and tea!) break 15m
    • 15:50 16:05
      Data and analysis reinterpretation 15m
      Speaker: Lukas Heinrich (CERN)
    • 16:05 16:20
      Smaller hadron&nuclear experiments / communities 15m
      Speaker: Dr Stefan Typel (TU Darmstadt)
    • 16:20 16:35
      The astroparticle / HE community 15m
      Speaker: Gernot Maier (DESY)
    • 16:35 16:50
      The International Lattice Data Grid 15m
      Speakers: Carsten Urbach (University of Bonn), Hubert Simma (NIC / DESY)
    • 16:50 17:05
      LOFAR (and MEERKAT, SKA) 15m
      Speakers: Dominik Schwarz (U Bielefeld), Michael Kramer (Max-Planck-Institut fuer Radioastronomie)
    • 17:05 17:30
      PUNCH4NFDI open data plans, and discussion 25m