DPG Rehearsals


Zoom link: password cdesy

The DPG will take place online from March 15 - 19. https://dortmund21.dpg-tagungen.de/index.html?set_language=en

In advance of the rehearsal, please check the time and session of your talk in the program "Verhandlungen" at: https://www.dpg-verhandlungen.de/year/2021/conference/dortmund/part/t?lang=en

Please upload your slides for rehearsal well in advance, so we are sure to have it safely available for your talk.

After the talk please implement agreed comments, iterate with your close colleagues and/or supervisor and upload the slides to the CMS CINCO  webpage for approval by the CMS working group: https://cms-mgt-conferences.web.cern.ch/conferences/conf_display.aspx?cid=3030. The deadline for upload to CINCO is 5 March.

Note that the slides will not be uploaded to the DPG server or anywhere else outside CMS.

Unapproved figures should be labelled "CMS, work in progress". Labels like "work in progress" or "private work" are also ok. The official rules valid for students' presentations at national conferences are here: https://twiki.cern.ch/twiki/bin/viewauth/CMS/PhysicsApprovals#Student_presentati