23–28 Aug 2010
Europe/Berlin timezone

Spin Discrimination in Three-Body Decays

23 Aug 2010, 15:08
Gr. Hörsaal Mathematik (Bonn)

Gr. Hörsaal Mathematik


Nussallee 12


Lisa Edelhäuser (Uni Würzburg)


The identification of the correct model for physics beyond the Standard Model requires the determination of the spin of new particles. We investigate to which extent the spin of a new particle $X$ can be identified in scenarios where this particle decays dominantly via three-body decays $X\rightarrow f\overline{f} Y$ where we assume that all intermediate particles are heavy and the particle $Y$ is a candidate for dark matter and escapes direct detection at a high energy collider such as the LHC. We develop a model-independent strategy based on the invariant mass distribution of the two SM-fermions $m_{ff}^2$ and show how spin assignments for $X$ and $Y$ can be supported or excluded independent of the couplings.

Primary author

Lisa Edelhäuser (Uni Würzburg)


Ritesh K. Singh (Uni Würzburg) Werner Porod (Uni Würzburg)

Presentation materials