23–28 Aug 2010
Europe/Berlin timezone

Some results on the squark interactions with charginos/neutralinos.

27 Aug 2010, 15:08
Gr. Hörsaal Mathematik (Bonn)

Gr. Hörsaal Mathematik


Nussallee 12


Dr Siannah Penaranda Rivas (University of Zaragoza)


We propose an effective description of squark interactions with charginos/neutralinos. We recompute the strong corrections to squark partial decay widths, and compare the full one-loop computation with the effective description. The effective description includes the effective Yukawa couplings, and another logarithmic term which encodes the supersymmetry-breaking. The proposed effective couplings reproduce correctly the radiative-corrected partial decay widths of the squark decays into charginos and neutralinos in all relevant regions of the parameter space.

Primary author

Dr Siannah Penaranda Rivas (University of Zaragoza)


Dr Jaume Guasch Inglada (Departament FFN, University of Barcelona (UB)) Mr Siannah Sanchez-Florit (Departament FFN, University of Barcelona (UB))

Presentation materials