25–30 Apr 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Scattering amplitudes with masses

29 Apr 2022, 12:00
Raum Graswangtal

Raum Graswangtal


Dr Ekta Chaubey (University of Turin)


I will highlight the latest developments in computing higher-order
scattering amplitudes with massive contributions. The contributing Feynman
integrals often lead to special classes of functions, for example,
functions associated with elliptic curves. With the presence of more
scales in the amplitudes, it becomes imperative to have a better
understanding of the contributing Feynman integrals and using current cutting-edge technologies to tackle the growth in the analytic complexity. In particular, I will start with discussing two-loop scattering amplitudes for top-quark pair production and end with shedding some light on scattering amplitudes for five-point processes.

Primary author

Dr Ekta Chaubey (University of Turin)


Prof. Simon Badger (University of Turin) Dr Matteo Becchetti (University of Turin) Dr Robin Marzucca (University of Copenhagen) Francesco Sarandrea (University of Turin) Bayu Hartanto (Cambridge University)

Presentation materials