Plenary 1
- Peter Marquard (DESY)
Plenary 1
- Peter Marquard (DESY)
I will report on the calculation of the NLO QCD corrections to heavy boson production and decay in association with top quark. In the calculation all resonant as well as non-resonant Feynman diagrams, interferences and off-shell effects are included both for the top quark and W gauge boson. Numerical results will be given at the integrated and differential fiducial level for various...
Pushing the reach of NNLO QCD predictions to 2→3 production processes is one of the pillars of precision phenomenology program at the LHC. In this talk we will overview recent results and developments in calculation of two-loop five-point amplitudes contributing towards achieving this goal. We will discuss challenges encountered in advancing the state-of-the-art beyond the class of massless...
The MATRIX framework was originally developed to compute diboson production
at next-to-next-to-leading order (NNLO) accuracy in QCD perturbation theory
by means of the qT-subtraction method, building upon the MUNICH integrator and
the external scattering amplitudes.
In its second official release of last summer, this framework was extended in
several directions, in particular by including...
Recent development of fixed order QCD calculations enables us to achieve next-to-next-to-next-to leading order QCD accuracy for differential observables at the LHC. We present the latest results of neutral and charged current production at the LHC using NNLOJET package plus factorised contributions calculated in SCET.