Parallel 8
- David Broadhurst (Open University, UK)
Parallel 8
- David Broadhurst (Open University, UK)
We extend available $\cal{O}(\alpha_s^4)$ results for two main ingredients of
the Crewther-Broadhurst-Kataev (CBK) relation, namely the Adler $D$-function
and the Bjorken polarized sum rule $C^{Bjp}$ by including
contributions from any number of (in general different) fermion
representations. The results are used to confirm the CBK relation and get new
information on {β}-expansion for the...
We developed a new framework to address the renormalization
issues of the singlet twist-two operators. As a first application, we apply our method to compute the three-loop singlet splitting functions
We consider the radiation of three soft gluons in a generic process for multiparton hard scattering in QCD.
In the soft limit the corresponding scattering amplitude has a singular behaviour that is factorized and controlled by a colorful soft current.
We compute the tree-level current for triple soft-gluon emission from both massless
and massive hard partons.
The three-gluon current is...
The QCD energy-momentum tensor exhibits the well-known property of trace anomaly. The anomalous contribution can be distributed among the quark and gluon parts. Although the total energy-momentum tensor remains unrenormalized owing to the conservation of energy and momentum, the individual components do go through ultraviolet renormalization. We perform this renormalization at four-loop level....
In this talk, I will present an exact result for the three-loop QCD correction to the axial component of the singlet quark form factor mediated by top quarks.
The result is obtained via a numerical solution of a system of differential equation for the occurring master integrals.
Furthermore, the Wilson coefficient in front of the axial current of massless quarks in the low energy effective...
I will highlight the latest developments in computing higher-order
scattering amplitudes with massive contributions. The contributing Feynman
integrals often lead to special classes of functions, for example,
functions associated with elliptic curves. With the presence of more
scales in the amplitudes, it becomes imperative to have a better
understanding of the contributing Feynman...