Developing awareness & self confidence in situations of sexual harassment at work Webinar for PhD students & Postdocs (f/d/m)
Inexperience creates space for uncertainty in ambiguous situations. The webinar brings light, clarity and positive confidence into the area of sexual harassment for everyone:
What is considered to be sexual harassment? How to prevent unpleasant situations? How to behave in an acute situation? Overview of supporting persons at DESY and the University of Hamburg as well as other institutions. The atmosphere in the webinar will be constructive, playful and explorative addressing this topic. We want to expand our knowledge to increase personal self-confidence. The webinar contains information, constructive exchange, exercises, and open dialogue. From “eye rolling” to being “at eye level”.
Registration deadline: 12 September 2021
This workshop is part of the transferable skills portfolio of the PIER Education platform on the science campus Bahrenfeld/DESY.
The workshops are usually one-day courses for a maximum number of 12-15 participants and are offered once or twice a year. The trainers are carefully selected experts with many years of experience in teaching scientists. Some of the workshops are open for postdocs.
The workshops offered in the PIER Education Platform are a cooperation between the PIER Helmholtz Graduate School and its partner organisations and institutes Quantum Universe Research School QURS, the Collaborative Research Center SFB 925, The Hamburg Centre for Ultrafast Imaging CUI, the International Max Planck Research School for Ultrafast Imaging & Structural Dynamics IMPRS-UFAST, DASHH, the Centre for Structural Systems Biology CSSB, and the European Molecular Biology Laboratory EMBL.