10 November 2021
UTC timezone


Registration Form

Opened 17 Sept 2021
Closed 9 Nov 2021

Any group wishing to participate in ICD should register through this website. Please note that by group we mean all students that come together in a common place (physically or virtually) and spend the day together, attending the same events organized for the entire group. If more school groups are gathering together in a (physical or virtual) venue, this is considered one group. It is not important to distinguish the schools or institutions from which the participants come. We use the registration data to exchange important information for planning the day and to display the Google Map with all venues of the day. Only one organizer per venue should therefore register the group. The participating students are registered individually at the locations. In order to be able to register you do not need an Indico account. But if you want to make changes to the registry later (for example, the exact time), you need an account. You can easily create an account on the registration page, and log in as an user. After the registration you will receive a confirmation. We will send you a customisable poster to announce your event and more informations about planing the day.

Registration is closed
The registration period has passed.