8–12 Nov 2021
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone
Zoom room: 811 1447 3065, Passcode: 948427

The Wolfgang Pauli Centre for Theoretical Physics, a joint forum of the Universität Hamburg and DESY,  in collaboration with the Clusters of excellence CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter and the Quantum Universe,   organzises a scientific Symposium to honor the Hamburg Prizes for Theoretical Physics 2020 and 2021 which are being awarded to Prof. Valery Rubakov (INR Moskow) and Prof. Eugene Demler (ETH Zuerich), respectively. 

The first half of the Symposium on Nov 8-10 is devoted to the work of Valery Rubakov and it will feature scientific talks in the following areas:

  • Advanced topics in Quantum Field Theory
  • Cosmology
  • Modified gravity

The second half of the Symposium on Nov 10-12 is devoted to the work of Eugene Demler and it will feature scientific talks in the following areas:

  • Novel phases of matter in quantum many-body systems
  • Driven quantum many-body systems
  • Topological effects in quantum many-body systems, such as quantum antiferromagnets, quantum spin liquids, etc.
  • Nonlinear xray spectroscopy of condensed matter

The award ceremony for the Hamburg Prize for Theoretical Physics is organized by the Joachim Herz Stiftung on November 10 in Hamburg's Planetarium. Participation requires a separate registration.  

Recordings of the talks:

Video recordings of the talks are available on the DESY webcast portal (search for WPC 2021).

Confirmed Speakers Nov 8-10

S. Dubovsky (New York U., USA)
E. Dudas (Ecole Polytechnique, Palaiseau, FR)
G. Dvali (LMU and MPI, Munich, DE)
R. Gregory (Kings College, London, UK)
L. Heisenberg (ETH, Zurich, CH)
A. Linde (Stanford U., USA)
Y. Nir (Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, IS)
O. Pujolas (IFAE, Bellaterra, ES)
R. Rattazzi (EPFL, CH)
M. Shaposhnikov (EPFL, CH)
A. Smirnov (MPIK, Heidelberg, DE and ICTP, Trieste, IT)
D. Son (Chicago U., USA)
P. Tinyakov (ULB, BE)
E. Trincherini (SNS, Pisa, IT)

Confirmed Speakers Nov 10-12

H. Aoki (University of Tokyo)
A. Auerbach (Technion)
I. Bloch (MPQ and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)  
A. Bohrdt (Harvard University)
A. Cavalleri (MPSD Hamburg)
I. Cirac (MPQ and Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München)
R. Citro (University of Salerno)
N. Cooper (Cambridge University)   
E. Demler (ETH Zurich)
T. Esslinger (ETH Zurich)
T. Giamarchi (University of Geneva)
B. Halperin (Harvard University)
A. Imamoglu (ETH Zurich)
E. Kim (Cornell University)
M. Lukin (Harvard University)
S. Mukamel (University of California Irvine)
P. Narang (Harvard University)
H. Park (Harvard University)
A. Polkovnikov (Boston University)
A. Maria Rey (University of Colorado)  
A. Rubio (MPSD Hamburg)
J. Schmiedmayer (TU Vienna)
K. Sengstock (Universität Hamburg)  
P. Torma (Aalto University)  



Local organizing committee
Hans Behringer, Michael Grefe, Christophe Grojean, Michael Thorwart, Volker Schomerus .






DESY Hamburg
Auditorium CSSB, bldg. 15
Notkestr. 85, 22607 Hamburg