10–12 Nov 2010
Europe/Berlin timezone

2nd Circular

Second announcement of the CRF workshop

International workshop on

"Cosmic Radiation Fields: Sources in the early Universe"

Date:     November 10 - 12, 2010
Location: DESY research center, Hamburg, Germany

Website:  http://www.desy.de/crf2010

Important dates

Abstract deadline
  Sep 15, 2010

Registration deadline
  Oct 15, 2010


- Cosmic infrared background: Can we probe properties of sources in the early universe using the cosmic infrared background (CIB)? What are the recent limits and measurements of the CIB? What do we know about other contributions to the CIB?

- Early stars: What do we know about the formation and evolution of the early stars? In which environments do they form? Will we able to detect the first stars with the next generation of optical/infrared telescopes? What are their observational signatures?

- Dark Stars: Has dark matter an observable effect on star formation and evolution? Can primordial stars stabilize during their evolution due to dark matter burning? What are the properties of such dark matter burning stars, the so called Dark Stars? What are their observational signatures and will it be possible to distinguish them from 'standard' early stars?

- Dark matter halos: What are the recent results from simulations of dark matter in the early universe? What are the possible sizes and density profiles of primordial dark matter halos? Which contribution would we expect from dark matter annihilation in halos to the cosmic diffuse backgrounds?

- Primordial star formation rate: What is the primordial star formation rate? What are the limits and how many stars do we expect to observe with the next generation of telescopes?

- Reionization: What can we learn from reionization about primordial sources? What is the current understanding from cosmology on the epoch of reionization? What do we know about the ultra violet (UV) cosmic radiation background? How will upcoming radio instruments (LOFAR) change our understanding of the epoch or reionization?

Confirmed speakers

Mathieu Bethermin
Rychard Bouwens
Benedetta Ciardi
Andrea Ferrara
Alberto Franceschini
Katherine Freese
Fabio Iocco
Daniel Mazin
Anita Reimer
Erik Zackrisson


Besides invited oral presentations there will be room for contributed talks. Poster presentations are welcome and will be displayed during the whole workshop. We would like to encourage in particular students and young researchers to submit contributions on their recent and ongoing work.

A short abstract for contributions must be submitted not later than

  September 15, 2010

via the conference website http://www.desy.de/crf2010.


Refereed proceedings will be published in the "Proceedings of Science" (http://pos.sissa.it/). Details on the format, page limit, etc., will be given at a later stage on the conference webpage.


The workshop fee is 80,-- EUR and includes the proceedings and the social program (coffee breaks, reception, workshop dinner).


There will be an opening reception on Nov 9 (Tuesday) and a workshop dinner on Nov 11 (Thursday), both included in the workshop fee.

Child care

During the workshop child care will be available at the workshop venue. Please contact Tanja Kneiske for further information.

Organizing committee

Tanja Kneiske
Martin Raue
Dominik Elsaesser
Alexander Gewering-Peine
Peter Hausschildt
Dieter Horns
Andreas Maurer

Contacts and further information

Dr. Tanja Kneiske
Institut fuer Experimentalphysik
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
Tel.+49/40 8998 2993


Dr. Martin Raue
Institut fuer Experimentalphysik
Luruper Chaussee 149
22761 Hamburg
Tel.+49/40 8998 5216
