4th Round Table on AI @DESY

Ivo-Matteo Baltruschat (IT (IT Scientific Computing)), Philipp Heuser (DESY/HIP)

The idea behind this meeting is to bring together those people interested in and working on machine learning, deep learning and artificial intelligence methods on DESY Campus, to get an overview how the heterogeneous mixture of scientists makes use of the same tools. As in the previous years this meeting shall strengthen the network of AI-experts working door to door here on campus in sometimes entirely different domains using the same tools and algorithms. This meeting explicitly addresses colleagues from all institutions on campus, from DESY to EMBL, from CSSB to XFEL and from MPSD to Hereon and beyond. Please feel invited!

The meeting will most likely be entirely virtual but eventually even in hybrid form. Please register to get all most recent information regarding the place and the video coordinates.

The meeting will be held via zoom:


Meeting-ID: 863 7056 6652