19 July 2022 to 8 September 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

Machine Learning Techniques for Laser-Plasma Accelerators

Not scheduled
On-site project


Laser-plasma acceleration promises a next-generation compact source of electron beams for a large variety of applications. However, the non-linear, complex interaction between drive laser pulse and plasma results in a large parameter space, and tuning a plasma accelerator to produce useful electron beams is extremely complex. Here, we want to use machine learning techniques to autonomoulsy tune and optimize a laser-plasma accelerator, both in experiments and simulations. This project will include coding (in Python), running simulations (code: FBPIC) as well as hands-on work at the experiment (laser lab and accelerator tunnel).

Special Qualifications:

Knowledge in Python is expected. Experience with lasers is beneficial.

Field B4: Research on Accelerators
DESY Place Hamburg
DESY Division M

Primary author

Andreas Maier (MLS (Laser fuer Plasmabeschleunigung))

Presentation materials

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