QU Diversity & Family

Webinar on Mental Health: Filling your Bucket

by Dr Desiree Dickerson

Zoom (online)




This year, the Clusters of Excellence will continue their cooperation with Dr. Desiree Dickerson and host another short series of webinars on Mental Health which will be open to all researchers at Quantum Universe and CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter. On the 23rd of March we want to talk about "filling your buckets" which will entail the following:

"My academic colleagues and I had a phrase that we used to signify that we needed help/time/support/a lifeline. A simple phrase – my bucket is empty. To me it captures beautifully the constant pouring of ourselves into our work; into our projects. But we CANNOT pour from an empty bucket. And our buckets do empty. In this talk, we explore:

  • The many ways that we drain our bucket day-to-day. The physical, the emotional, the mental, the social drains that we often don’t acknowledge.
  • The cost of trying to achieve and excel with an empty bucket.
  • Key tools that help you fill that bucket – why time doing nothing is key and how gratitude, play, and
  • diversity can help us feel happier, both in the moment and in the long-term.
Organised by

Clusters of Excellence Quantum Universe and CUI: Advanced Imaging of Matter