LUXE technical meeting


Meeting ID: 945 3295 8888

Passcode: 612600

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      Quantum computing and tracking
      Speakers: Annabel Kropf (DESY), David Spataro (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SLB)), Federico Meloni (ATLAS (ATLAS SM and Beyond)), Yee Chinn Yap (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Yee Chinn Yap (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SLB))
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      Electron Detection System
      Speakers: John Andrew Hallford (FLC (Forschung an Lepton Collidern)), John Hallford (UCL), Louis Helary (DESY), Matthew Wing (UCL), Ruth Magdalena Jacobs (FHR (Bereichsreferent FH))

      John & Scintillator & Camera system: Still wrangling testbeam data. A first extrapolation of sensitivity threshold is factor 4 higher than best estimate using the literature, previous calibration using the screen. Very likely only some fraction (25%?) of the independent charge measurement makes it through the collimator.  


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      Speaker: Rajendra Prasad (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SLB))
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      Any other business
      Speakers: Annabel Kropf (DESY), Beate Heinemann (DESY and University of Freiburg (Germany)), David Spataro (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SLB)), Federico Meloni (ATLAS (ATLAS SM and Beyond)), Jenny List (FTX (FTX-SLB)), John Andrew Hallford (FLC (Forschung an Lepton Collidern)), John Hallford (UCL), Louis Helary (DESY), Matthew Wing (UCL), Rajendra Prasad (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SLB)), Ruth Magdalena Jacobs (FHR (Bereichsreferent FH)), Stefan Schmitt (ATLAS (ATLAS Scientific Computing)), Yee Chinn Yap (Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron (DE)), Yee Chinn Yap (FTX (FTX Fachgruppe SLB))