2 June 2022
Europe/Berlin timezone

The goal of the NanoMat Science Day is to foster discussion between scientists working in different groups in DESY Photon Science in the field of nano- and materials science (NanoMat). Synergies and common research interests will be identified and future collaborations established.

The workshop covers in its three sessions main activities of NanoMat, such as in-situ observation of structure formation, oxide and quantum materials, as well as materials for energy conversion and storage. The program will be compiled by the session chairs and speakers will be invited for presentations. Postdocs and PhD students are strongly encouraged to submit titles for posters for the sessions. The workshop is also open for interested guests from other DESY groups.

All Photon Science colleagues and CXNS cooperation partners are invited to the CXNS opening BBQ at the end of the day. For participation registration via INDICO is required.


FLASH seminar room