FH Scientist Retreat


This retreat will not feature many presentations but will be interactive and foster discussions among all attendees. Therefore, please refrain from bringing your laptop. No wifi will be provided. 

Location: Mozart-Säle, Moorweide 36, Hamburg (close to Dammtor station). 

    • 13:00 14:45
      • 13:00
        Registration 30m
      • 13:30
        Welcome and introduction 30m
        Speaker: Beate Heinemann (DESY and University of Freiburg (Germany))
      • 14:00
        Warm-up and exchange session 45m
    • 14:45 16:30
      Collaborative work on "HEP topical islands"

      At around 15 "topical islands" varying crowds of people will freely discuss pre-defined scientific, technical and work-related topics. The results will be collected and used as a source of ideas for further discussions.
      - How can we foster technology transfer and make our knowledge available for third parties within our ecosystem?
      - What's the impact of our work on society?
      - How can we better communicate own achievements and more visibility internally?
      - Improving collaboration and synergies with other departments?
      - Improving communication and collaboration within our own department?
      - Highs & lows at DESY?
      - Gossip area: What's the talk behind the scenes?
      - Weather report - the current state of the FH department?
      - Some thoughts about recruitment & new talents?
      - What's the next step in future colliders?
      - Explore potential cost savings?
      - How to create a perfect working environment?

    • 16:30 17:30
      Outlook on day 2 and closing words
    • 17:30 20:00
      Get-together, drinks and finger food 2h 30m
  • Tuesday, 30 August
    • 09:00 09:30
      Welcome and introduction day 2
    • 09:30 12:30
      Task forces

      The task forces (see below) will present their discussion status using posters in individual breakout rooms in person and invite feedback. The discussions will be summarised in the plenary.
      The task forces are: seminar programme, sustainability, flavour opportunities, scientific computing, feebly interacting particles, third-party funding, detector development, and on-site gravitational wave experiments.

      • 09:30
        Task forces: breakout workshop (I) 1h
      • 10:30
        Task forces: breakout workshop (II) 1h
      • 11:30
        Task forces: plenary wrap-up session 1h
    • 12:30 14:15
      Lunch break - self-catering and Walk&Talk session through the "Grindelviertel" 1h 45m
    • 14:15 16:30
      Bottom-up topics

      Parallel breakouts around topics suggested by participants (e.g. new topics or further in-depth discussion of topics from earlier sessions).

    • 16:30 17:00
      Closing and outro