Simulation, Analysis and Software


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- slide8: please add the photons in the same locations (replace tracker with calorimeter maybe)
- slide4: bottom left/right should set the maximum scale to e.g 0.01 to see the structure —> then compare with Maryna’s numbers
- Sasha:
   - slide4: everything is integrated over y axis? Yes.
   - slide8: is it dN/dlog(E) or dN/dE translated to log scale? It is the latter.
- Evan & Kyle:
   - each bin in the TH3 (400^3 binning) corresponds to one value that FLUKA spits out so it is not a true histogram
   - the difference between slide4 top-right and bottom-right plots is due to the mass - you go from the bottom to top 
- planning to add more stats this week.

- completed the needle implementation from Ishay's CAD
- started to implement the CALICE for the electron side in g+laser (assume similar mechanics as for FCal)

- lower bkg but still need to crosscheck the reconstruction - need the signal samples.

There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 1
      Speakers: Beate Heinemann (DESY and University of Freiburg (Germany)), Daniel Seipt (Helmholtz Institut Jena), Noam Tal Hod (Weizmann Institute of Science), Oleksandr Borysov (DESY)
    • 2
      FLUKA update
      Speaker: Kyle Fleck (QUB)
    • 3
      GEANT4 simulation updates
      Speaker: Oleksandr Borysov (DESY)
    • 4
      Tracker bkg with g+laser mode
      Speaker: Arka Santra (FTX (Technol. zukuenft. Teilchenph. Experim.))
    • 5
      Fast sim update (TBC)
      Speakers: Arka Santra (FTX (Technol. zukuenft. Teilchenph. Experim.)), Oleksandr Borysov (DESY), Shan Huang (Tel Aviv University)