PETRA IV. Focus on Life & HealthZoom Video Conference

ZOOM oder BAH 1 + 2 (DESY Campus, Haus 3)

ZOOM oder BAH 1 + 2

DESY Campus, Haus 3

HYBRIDER EVENT Onsite DESY Campus Haus 3, BAH 1+2 ONLINE: Meeting-ID: 875 9206 9160 Kenncode: 781237 AGENDA: 9:00-9:30 am Welcome & general introduction Dr. Rüdiger Werp, Atrineo AG Key Note “Major topics & challenges in the life science sector” Dr. Jürgen Walkenhorst, Managing Director Life Science Nord 9:30-10:30 am Short Key Notes on current and future research possibilities • How to improve implant materials, Dr. Marc Thiry (HEREON) • High-throughput Macromolecular Crystallography, Dr. Johanna Hakanpää (DESY) • SAXS and Imaging, Dr. Melissa Gräwert, (EMBL & BioSAXS) • High pressure measurements on active pharmaceutical ingredients; Dr. Nico Giordano/Prof. Dr. H.-P. Liermann (DESY) Status Quo of PETRA IV concept, Dr. Oliver Seeck (DESY) Q&A session and introduction to group work 10:30 – 10: 45 am Coffee break 10:45 – 12:15 am Interactive group work: learning from you for PETRA IV 1.) What are the major challenges in your work that might be addressed with a synchrotron? 2) What specific methods are needed to address these challenges? 3) What other requirements need to be fulfilled to enable a fruitful collaboration (e.g. availability of specific competences, infrastructure etc., cooperation and financing models)? 12:15 am – 1 pm Short presentations of group work & concluding plenary debate 1 pm Lunch, networking, guided tour of PETRA III
Miriam Hufnagl (ITT (Innovation und Technologietransfer))

Dear present & future colleagues, collaborators and fellow scientist, 

with the upgrade of the synchrotron radiation source PETRA III to PETRA IV

DESY, EMBL and other partners plan a unique 3D X-ray microscope on the campus in Hamburg that will open up new possibilities for health-related research.


As PETRA IV is intended to meet the needs of science and business alike, we are organizing thematic workshops to become better acquainted with the requirements for analytical methods and accompanying services in industry. 


Based on your expertise we would like to cordially invite you to the workshop "PETRA IV – Focus on Life & Health" on 2nd February 2023 from 9 am - 1 pm. You can either join us on the DESY campus or as an online participant. 


We will offer inspiring insights and talks on research and service possibilities for Pharma, Systems Biology and MedTech on our campus and discuss your needs and key challenges. 


PETRA IV will be a major investment for the German and international scientific landscape, which you can actively shape with us. To ensure that your company can also benefit from the analytical possibilities at DESY in the future, we would be very pleased to receive your confirmation of participation to our workshop by 31st January 2023.


Please register via:


We are currently working on the agenda and will keep you updated.

Questions or suggestions regarding the research opportunities at PETRA IV prior to the workshop are very welcome and can be sent to or

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