5–6 Oct 2023
InterContinental Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Call for Papers

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

We are pleased to open the call for papers of ISQCMC Berlin. We are inviting submissions in two categories:

  1. Scientific Papers: We welcome scientific papers that address topics related to quantum computing and musical creativity. We plan to publish proceedings with accepted papers. Musical demonstrations can be part of the presentation. The deadline all submissions is July 1st. Authors will receive feedback by August 4th and have until September 1st to submit the camera-ready contribution.

  2. Musical Demonstrations/Performances: We also invite musical demonstrations/performances that showcase the intersection of quantum computing and musical creativity. For this category, a detailed manuscript explaining the idea must be submitted by July 2nd. We will assess by August 4th if the proposed demonstrations are technically feasible.

We encourage submissions from researchers, artists, and practitioners who are interested in exploring the potential of quantum computing in musical contexts. We look forward to reviewing your submissios and seeing the exciting work that you have been doing in this field.

Submission Guidelines:

  • Papers should not exceed 6,000 words.
  • Music submissions should include information on the technical equipment needed.
  • Paper oral presentations will be 30 minutes long each. There will be no poster sessions

Submissions can be sent using the link below, which requires an Indico Account. You can use the Helmholtz AAI option to login through your institution or use a Google, Github or ORCID account.
Optionally, you can send your submission directly to contact.isqcmc@desy.de, making sure to inform the full names and affiliations of each author, as well as the submission type (Scientific Paper or Musical Demonstration).

If you need assistance for the submission process, please contact us through contact.isqcmc@desy.de

The call for abstracts is closed.