5–6 Oct 2023
InterContinental Berlin
Europe/Berlin timezone

Music Program Notes


- October 5, 2023, 6:15pm -


Schweigen (2023)

for multi-channel fixed media

by Eren Utku [TU Berlin]


Schweigen (2023) demonstrates a possible application of quantum computational algorithms in the formal structure of a composition. Presenting a section from L. Wittgenstein's “Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus”, it places Wittgenstein´s ideas in a quantum world.

Durations of the chords were set by converting a function into probability amplitudes using Quantum Probability Amplitude Modulation (Itaboraí & Miranda, 2022). The function establishes the overall accelerating form. Deviations from the function were created by setting suitable number of trials for the quantum circuit. Inspired by G. Grisey`s idea of “statistical acceleration” (Grisey, 1987), more unpredictable temporal structure is achieved but the overall acceleration is kept.


Eren Utku earned his degree of Mechanical Engineering (B.Sc.) from the University of Duisburg-Essen. With his background in engineering, he turned his interest in music composition into an interest in acoustics and algorithmic music. His music aims to utilize computational methods, while maintaining the human influence and artistic choice. He is currently a student of Audiokommunikation und -technologie (M.Sc.) at TU Berlin.

e US and Europe since September 2022.




Rasgar, Saber (2022/23)

for Speakers and Origami

by Paulo Itaborai [University of Plymouth]


Paulo Itaborai


In 1958, Meyer-Eppler highlighted the importance of artistic experimentation with emerging technologies: "Research into electrical methods of generating sound or noise has revealed a large number of phenomena which can only be discovered in instrumental sounds after the ear has been prepared by electroacoustic experiments". Analogously, this could be extrapolated to quantum computing. To reveal the encoding/decoding methods of generating sound materials with quantum representations of audio is TO TEAR a barrier (like a piece of paper), a rupture to prepare the ear TO KNOW about quantum measurements. The piece uses sounds from paper to train our quantum listening.


Paulo Itaborai is a composer-researcher and sound artist, interfacing quantum technologies with musical instrument design, by integrating quantum algorithms with musical software for Live electronics performances and music composition.


Alice Apple (2022)

for Laptop

by Spencer Topel


Spencer Topel


Alice Apple (2022) is a live-coded multi-channel work created at the Virginia Tech 2022 I4 Residency consisting of a variational quantum circuit synthesizer that generates a large number of discrete outputs modulated by the outputs from an entangled six qubit circuit simulation. The work references the groundbreaking FM modulation synthesis processes of electronic music pioneer Morton Subotnick entitled “Silver Apples of the Moon.” 


Spencer Topel is an American artist known for his work in music composition, sound art, instrument design, and technology. He explores the relationship between sculpture and musical instruments, creating a wide range of works that reveal the unique voice of objects. In 2019, Topel founded Physical Synthesis, a company dedicated to developing new kinds of sound devices and products. His latest artistic endeavors revolve around quantum computing technologies as they apply to music and sound synthesis: first with a residency at The Yale Quantum Institute, where he and his team created the world's first musical synthesizer using Qubits.



- October 6, 2023, 11:20am -


The Sound of Molecules (2022)

for ​​live electronics and narrator

by Walker Smith [Indiana University Bloomington Jacobs School of Music]


Walker Smith as “Roy G. Biv


What would atoms and molecules sound like? Walker Smith asks and answers this question in his awe-inspiring performance “The Sound of Molecules,” in which he appears as the rainbow-clad character Roy G. Biv to take audiences on an immersive “sonic tour of the molecular world.” Complete with engaging visuals and spatialized surround sound, this show converts the vibrations, rotations, and energy levels of molecules into sounds and, ultimately—into music! Featuring molecular melodies, chemical chords, and galvanized grooves, this performance brings the music of molecules to life. If that weren’t enough, it culminates in a sensational audiovisual “Helium Dance Party!”


Walker Smith is a ‘musical chemist,’ whose work combines research, music composition, science communication, and performance. Walker is a graduate of Indiana University, Bloomington, a 2023-24 US-Netherlands Fulbright Scholar at the Royal Conservatory The Hague, and will begin a Ph.D. in Computer Music at Stanford University in Fall 2024.

He earned dual Bachelor’s degrees in Chemistry and Music Composition and combined his two interests by asking the question, ““What would molecules sound like?” His research led him to create “The Sound of Molecules” Show, which he has toured around the US and Europe since September 2022.


You can view Walker’s two ‘chemical music’ compositions—"The Sound of Molecules” and “Chromatic Chemistry” on YouTube at his channel TheChemistryShack: https://www.youtube.com/@TheChemistryShack 


Collaborating Musically with a Hilbert Space (2023)

for Qiskit micro quantum simulator, Ableton Live

by Brian Ingmanson James L. Weaver [IBM Quantum]


Brian Ingmanson, James L. Weaver


This session explores the idea of collaborating musically with a Hilbert space, which is a complex vector space capable of modeling quantum mechanical states. To experiment with and concretely demonstrate this idea, the Quantum Music Playground was created. This session proposal also discusses how attributes of a quantum state are mapped to attributes of a musical monophonic line, which when combined, comprise a musical composition.


Brian Ingmanson is the North America Lead for Community and Workforce Development at IBM Quantum. He has a background in science education, percussion, marching band, jazz band, and even a short-lived rock band.


James L. Weaver is a developer, author, and speaker with a passion for quantum computing and AI. He is a Java Champion, and a JavaOne Rockstar. James has written several books including Inside Java, Beginning J2EE, the Pro JavaFX series, Java with Raspberry Pi, and the Qiskit Pocket Guide. As an IBM Quantum Developer Advocate, James speaks internationally about quantum computing with Qiskit, and AI, at quantum and classical computing conferences.





- October 6, 2023, 4:00pm -


ReVeR (2023)

for Moog 15, Minimoog,  Laptop, MIDI Controllers

by Paulo Itaborai [University of Plymouth] & Dino Vicente [DVM]


Paulo Itaborai; Dino Vicente


According to Walter Smetak, musical instruments come from a process of acoustic research in which the ITINERARY OF SOUND is examined. This paints the notion that a musical instrument's function is to Carry sound. "Rever" , is an artistic/improvisation process  that explores the notion of a Quantum Itinerary of Sound quite literally: From Quantum, to Digital, to Analog. The sounds are created as (quantum) signals, transformed into digital wavetables, then sent overseas to Brazil, where it is synthesized and embedded into a 1974 Moog 15 analog patch and connect us to the early days of electronic music.


Dino Vicente is a composer, music producer, and sound artist with more than three decades of experience in electronic music. Dino is a Pioneer on the use of analog and modular synthesizers in the brazilian electronic music scene, as well as in sound installations and performance art. Additionally, he has realized several productions with renowned brazilian artists (such as Arrigo Barnab\'e, Rita Lee, Nelson Ayres, among others), and soundtracks, including the internationally awarded movie "O Dia Que Durou 21 anos" (The Day That Lasted 21 Years).


Paulo Itaborai is a composer-researcher and sound artist, interfacing quantum technologies with musical instrument design, by integrating quantum algorithms with musical software for Live electronics performances and music composition.


/Equations of Coltrane (2023)

for saxophone, flute, and electronics

by OCH [CEIS20] & Scott Oshiro


OCH - saxophone and electronics

SYO - flute and electronics


Nphz is a new electro-acoustic duo featuring OCH and Scott Oshiro: two artist-researchers working in music and technology focusing on improvised Music and Quantum Computing (QC). Their work explores the potential advantages QC can provide for music composition. In this performance, several quantum computer music compositions will be presented and used in articulation with live acoustic instruments. NPhz will also be performing live with real quantum computers. The applications presented in this concert are published as chapters in the book “Quantum Computer Music: Foundation, Methods and Advanced Concepts” (2022).


OCH is a performer-composer-technologist working on music and quantum computing, telematics, multimedia, and improvisation. He is passionate about emerging technology, cinema, teaching, and performing new works. He earned his PhD at UC Irvine with his research Adventures in Quantumland (quantumland.art). He also earned his MA in Music Theory and Composition at ESMAE with his research on the relations between music and painting. In recent years, his work has been recognized with grants and awards from MSCA, Fulbright, FCT, Medici, Beall Center for Art+Technology, and IBM. omarcostahamido.com 


Scott is a Bay Area-based fluatist and music technology researcher. As an African and Okinawan American, Scott’s creative and academic work incorporates influences from his heritage and combines them with Jazz, Hip Hop, and Electronic music. He recently received his Ph.D. at the Center for Computer Research in Music & Acoustics (CCRMA) at Stanford University, where he researched the intersection between quantum computing, music, and culture. Scott is an Asian Improv aRts fellow, developing quantum computer music improvisation systems for an album featuring BIPOC artists, showcasing the connection between music and quantum physics. linktr.ee/scottoshiro 

