09:00 Welcome
Chair: Fan Yang
09:05 1. Talk Frank Schlünzen / IT: "Maxwell Cluster and IT Infrastructure for Simulation"
09:30 2. Talk Maxence Thevenet / MPA1: "Simulation Tools for Plasma Acceleration"
10:00 3. Talk Simon Karau / MHF: "CST Studio Suite - Simulation of General RF and Acceleration Cavity Devices"
10:30 Break and Poster Session (30min)
Chair: Martin Lemke
11:00 4. Talk Hanna Stawska / FS-LA: "Ansys Lumerical for the Design and Analysis of Hollow Core Photonic Fibers"
11:25 5. Talk Aly Taleb Simscale GmbH: "Leveraging the Cloud for Multiphysics simulations"
12:00 6. Talk Tobias Best / ALPHA-Numerics GmbH: "Introduction to Electronics Cooling with CelsiusEC"
12:30 Lunch and Poster Session (60min)
Chair: Fan Yang
13:30 7. Talk Martin Rendek / CADFEM GmbH: "ANSYS Twin Builder"
14:05 8. Talk Hinrich Arnoldt / Comsol Multiphysics GmbH: "Introduction of COMSOL Multiphysics"
Chair: Martin Lemke
14:40 Open Discussion
15:30 End