25–26 Mar 2024
TU Dresden
Europe/Berlin timezone

This is the fifth Deep Learning Train-the-Trainer Workshop organized by the ErUM-Data-Hub with the support of DIG-UM.

Aim of this workshop is to educate lecturers for future teaching activities and to provide material to give lecture series on deep learning, including hands-on-exercises. Covered topics will be Neural Network Building Blocks & Mastering Model Building, Convolutional Neural Networks & Graph Convolutions and Generative Models. 

This workshop is addressed to scientists from all ErUM communities with prior knowledge of neural networks. 

A fee of 50€ will be charged for participation in the workshop.

You can find reviews of past workshops here.


TU Dresden
Seminarraum 201 (2. Stock)
Hörsaalzentrum Bergstraße 64 01069 Dresden


  • Neural Network Building Blocks & Mastering Model Building (Kevin Schmidt, TU Dortmund)
  • Convolutional Neural Networks (Stephanie Käs, AI Center - RWTH Aachen University)
  • Generative Models (Jan Kieseler, KIT)


Appetizer Talks: 

  • ErUM-Data KISS Projekt (Frank Siegert - TU Dresden) 
  • Teilchenphysik Lab-Course (Max Stange - TU Dresden)
  • Introspection (Mathis Frahm) 
  • Transfomer (Lars Sowa)



  • How to teach Deep Learning (Alexander Britz)



  • A fee of 50€ will be charged 
  • You will receive coffee throughout the days, are invited to the workshop dinner on 25.3. and will recieve a lunch voucher for the "Alte Mensa" on 26.3.


Workshop Dinner: 


This workshop is supported by:

  • ErUM-Data-Hub (BMBF)
There is an open survey.