22 November 2023
Europe/Berlin timezone

On Nov. 22nd, 2023, PIER will hold its annual PIER Day on Bahrenfeld campus. The aim of the event is to present recent and current joint research activities of DESY and Universität Hamburg and discuss future perspectives of research cooperation of the two PIER institutions (and possibly further partners on campus) in the context of future infrastructure developments and the upcoming round of the Excellence Strategy.

The program includes (please see pdf for details):

  • Highlights from PIER Seed Projects
  • Joint research perspectives of DESY and UHH: results from PIER research perspective workshops 2023
    • Quantum technologies & quantum computing 
    • Detector research
    • Infection & structural biology
    • Materials research 
    • Photon & accelerator science
  • PIER PLUS: collaboration of Hamburg universities and non-university research institutions beyond Bahrenfeld research campus
  • Bahrenfeld research campus: cutting-edge infrastructure meets excellent research
    • PETRA IV as future core infrastructure on Bahrenfeld campus
    • Planned joint UHH and DESY activities in the next round of the Excellence Strategy 
  • Panel discussion “Strong partners for science made in Hamburg: Future perspectives of joint DESY and Universität Hamburg activities in research”
    • Discussants: 
      • Helmut Dosch (Chairman of the DESY Board of Directors)
      • Hauke Heekeren (President of Universität Hamburg)
      • Norbert Ritter (Dean of the MIN Faculty of Universität Hamburg)
      • Blanche Schwappach-Pignataro (Dean for Research of the Medical Faculty of Universität Hamburg / University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf (UKE))
    • Moderator:
      • Ralf Krauter    