Workshop: BLISS - The ESRF beamline control system

seminar room 3 (Building 1b)

seminar room 3

Building 1b

Linus Pithan (FS-EC (Experimente Control))

In this meeting that is part of an expert workshop series on beamline control we aim at exploring the capabilities and strengths of the BLISS control system that has been developed at the ESRF. Following the format of a previous workshop earlier this year in Soleil focusing on BlueSky we welcome exploratory work approaching BLISS done at different facilities and to discuss these as well as potentials synergies and issues with the core developers of Bliss.

For the second day of the workshop we envision to focus on demands on control systems arising from near-real-time data analysis, data streaming and file-writing.

For everyone that would like to get some insights into the BLISS beamline control system we recommend to register to instead of this event, featuring the keynote talk of this workshop.