21–24 May 2024
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The Strings and Geometry conference is a continuation of the series of conferences Physics and Geometry of F-theory. 

It brings together leading international experts working at the interface of string theory and mathematics. Its 2024 edition discusses in particular topics in the context of quantum gravity and the Swampland idea, string geometry and compactifications, including aspects of machine learning, non-perturbative Quantum Field Theories and their geometric engineering, generalized symmetries in Quantum Field Theory and string theory, topological string theory as well as algebraic geometry in its interplay with string theory and Quantum Field Theory.

Confirmed Speakers: 

Ibrahima Bah - Johns Hopkins University 
Ralph Blumenhagen - MPP 
Mirjam Cvetič - University of Pennsylvania 
Michele Del Zotto - Uppsala University 
Markus Dierigl - LMU 
Jacques Distler - UT Austin 
Iñaki García Etxebarria - Durham University 
Antonella Grassi - University of Bologna 
Thomas Grimm - Utrecht University 
Arthur Hebecker - Heidelberg University 
Jonathan Heckman - University of Pennsylvania 
Monica Jinwoo Kang - University of Pennsylvania 
Albrecht Klemm - Bonn University
Johanna Knapp - University of Melbourne 
Seung-Joo Lee - IBS-CTPU 
Wolfgang Lerche - CERN 
Ling Lin - University of Bologna 
Dieter Lüst - LMU and MPP 
Fernando Marchesano - IFT UAM-CSIC 
Miguel Montero - IFT UAM-CSIC 
Emily Nardoni - Kavli IPMU 
Eran Palti - Ben Gurion University of Negev 
Sara Pasquetti - University of Milano-Bicocca 
Tom Rudelius - Durham University 
Fabian Ruehle - Northeastern University  
Sakura Schäfer-Nameki - Oxford University 
Jaewon Song - KAIST 
Alessandro Tomasiello - University of Milano-Bicocca 
Cumrun Vafa - Harvard University 
Irene Valenzuela - CERN and IFT UAM-CSIC
Max Wiesner - Harvard University

Local Organizers: 

Rafael Álvarez-García - Hamburg University 
Florent Baume - Hamburg University 
Cesar Fierro Cota - Hamburg University 
Stefano Lanza - Hamburg University 
Jacob Leedom - DESY 
Craig Lawrie - DESY (co-chair) 
Alessandro Mininno - Hamburg University 
Margherita Putti - Hamburg University 
Timo Weigand - Hamburg University (co-chair) 
Alexander Westphal - DESY (co-chair)

Universität Hamburg
Agathe-Lasch Lecture Hall
Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1, 20144 Hamburg