May 16 – 17, 2024
Europe/Berlin timezone

Condensed Matter Physics and Chemistry (CMPC) is a research association formed by scientists and technical staff from various PETRA III beamlines using scattering and diffraction techniques (P02.1, P03, P07-DESY&P21.1, P08, P62), the chemistry labs and the sample environment groups. 

The annual CMPC workshop in 2024 will be held on DESY campus from May 16 to May 17, 2024. This workshop brings together different communities working in the field of surfaces, interfaces and thin films using X-ray scattering techniques. There will be four sessions (see the schedule), each containing talks from invited speakers and allowing for plenty of time for extensive discussion during the presentations and the poster session. We encourage all participants to submit a poster and to reach out if you have any question.

Please check the attached document for accommodation suggestions. DESY hostel, which is fully booked during the two days by now, may have a few spots available if you ask about two weeks before.


Dr. Liu, Jiatu (

Dr. Igoa, Fernando (

Day 1

Welcome and light lunch


Session: Epitaxial systems

Chairs: Florian / Ann-Christin


Joachim Wollschläger (Uni Osnabrück): Epitaxy of ultrathin ferrite films - structure, electronic and magnetic properties

Arka Bikash Dey (DESY): Unraveling the Structural Secrets of Single Quantum Dots: A Seed for Quantum Technology

Johee Bang (ETH Zürich) : Towards understanding structure-property relationship in epitaxial systems via three-dimensional diffuse X-ray scattering and 3D-ΔPDF analysis



Coffee break


Session: Amorphous/nanocrystalline materials

Chairs: Jiatu Liu, Fernando Igoa


David Wragg (Institute for Energy Technology in Norway): Where's my Silicon Battery? Amorphous battery materials and how to study them

Bridget Murphy (Univ. Kiel): How can x-rays help make better biomedical sensors?

Klaus Sokolowski-Tinten (Univ. Duisburg-Essen): Structural dynamics in supercooled phase change materials studied by wide-angle X-ray scattering

Hans-Georg Steinrück (FZ Jülich): X-ray-chemistry X-ray-probe experiments and sub-second X-ray reflectivity




Dinner at FLASH


Day 2

Session: Polymer thin films

Chairs: Sarath / Matthias


Dorthe Posselt (Roskilde University): In-situ GISAXS studies of Solvent Vapor Annealing of Polymer Thin Films

Zhiyong Wang (Max Planck Institute of Microstructure Physics): On-Water Surface Synthesis of Two-Dimensional Organic Framework Films

Julien Navarro (UHH): Production of various hybrid bio-based gel-ink made of polymer grafted nanocellulose suitable for 3D printing application

Eric Euchler (IPF Dresden): Development of in situ X-ray experiments for polymer science - Overview of one decade IPF-DESY cooperation


Coffee and light lunch


Session: Liquid surface and inorganic thin films

Chairs: Chen / Milena


Johan Chang (University of Zurich): Quantum Materials Explore by Machine Learning and Scattering Methodology

Alexey Zozulya (EuropeanXFEL): Materials Imaging and Dynamics (MID) instrument at the European XFEL

Simone Mascotto (Uni Koblenz): From ions to nanoparticles: Design of smart catalysts in the solid state


Concluding remarks




Seminar Room Flash
DESY campus, Building 28c, 2nd floor Notkestraße 85 D-22607 Hamburg
Go to map
Registration for this event is currently open.