18–20 Nov 2024
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The UFDIM conference at DESY in Hamburg (Germany) focuses on new techniques for imaging the dynamics of matter on ultrafast timescales, from femtoseconds to attoseconds. We have organized sessions on the applications of ultrafast dynamic imaging in biological, chemical and material systems as well as session on electronic dynamics and emerging opportunities. A special emphasis lies on the applications of new sources, including X-ray free-electron lasers, high-harmonic sources, few-cycle laser pulses, and ultrashort electron pulses. This conference is the seventh in a row after previous conferences held in London (2006), Ischia (2009), Banff (2012), Grindelwald (2015), Crete (2018), Potsdam (online only, 2021). The conference will host invited talks and contributed posters.

You are warmly invited to submit a poster.

DESY Hamburg
FLASH seminar room
The call for abstracts is open
You can submit an abstract for reviewing.
Registration for this event is currently open.