16 July 2024 to 5 September 2024
DESY, Zeuthen
Europe/Berlin timezone

Water Sports

The DESY site in Zeuthen is located on the lake and has a boathouse and a landing stage. The boathouse houses boats for water sports enthusiasts and boats from the historical inventory. Some boats are private, some are for public use. There is a loosely organised but well-defined DESY water sports group (BSG) headed by Wolfgang Philipp, with Marko Kossatz as deputies. Priority in the allocation of places is given to (A) generally usable boats, (B) private, regularly used boats of employees, (C) other boats. The risk of damage or theft is borne by the boat owners.

In principle, anyone can register for participation in water sports at DESY and join in - simply send us a request on our Mattermost channel https://chat.desy.de/desy/channels/wassersport-zeuthen. We will then list you here and you are in! There is no membership fee, all expenses are covered by own contributions or crowdfunding.

Important: In order to borrow a boat, you must be instructed in the use of the borrowed boats and are then responsible for your own safety on the water (use at your own risk).

For reservations and log books visit: 
