24 September 2012 to 12 October 2012
Europe/Berlin timezone


4th Bethe Center Workshop
String Theory and Unification
Bad Honnef, Germany
1st-5th October 2012

Bethe Forum weeks
Surrounding the 4th Bethe Center Workshop there will be two Forum weeks, focusing on global model building (24th-28th September 2012) and respectively local model building (8th-12th October 2012).

Organizing committee
  • Lara Anderson
  • Thomas Grimm
  • Sven Krippendorf
  • Bumseok Kyae
  • Hans Peter Nilles
  • Michael Ratz
  • Sakura Schäfer-Nameki
  • Patrick Vaudrevange
Conference history:
The 4th Bethe Center workshop is the fourth international conference on String Theory and Unification following meetings in Hamburg (2009), Munich (2010) and Busan (2011).