10–12 Dec 2013
Europe/Berlin timezone

High speed interface simulation using the new 3D layout HFSS interface

11 Dec 2013, 14:40
DESY Lecture Hall (DESY)

DESY Lecture Hall


Notkestraße 85 22607 Hamburg
New products New products


Mr Simon Muff (Ansys Germany GmbH)


A new 3D Layout interface and meshing technology for the industry standard high frequency structure simulator is shown on example of a PCIe interface, enabling fast and parameterized simulation of physical layer structures as well as their optimization. Statistical methods for data eye calculation and the usage of IBIS AMI and spice models are shown, as well as coupling to thermal and computational fluid dynamics simulations.


Simulation capabilities, methods and design flows are shown for high accurate assessment of HSIO interfaces. A new interface for electronic CAD data for a 3D full wave EM field solver (HFSS) is shown, offering new possibilities in parameterization and data transfer and by a new mesher enabling full wave solutions for problems or larger scale.

Primary author

Mr Simon Muff (Ansys Germany GmbH)

Presentation materials