11–15 Nov 2013
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Virtual Machine Set-up

1. Instructions for setting up the Analysis Centre (AC) virtual machine
- Install VirtualBox on your system. You can get it from www.virtualbox.org
- Start VirtualBox.
- You should have the AC2013.iso ISO image file either from a web location stored on your hard disk or on a USB stick.
- In VirtualBox, press the “New” symbol.
- Assign a name to the new machine, e.g. “AC2013”.
- Choose “Linux” as operating system and as version “Ubuntu” (NOT the 64-bit variant)
- Assign at least 1 GB of memory.
- Choose “Create new hard disk” and in the next step
- select “VDI (VirtualBox Disk Image)”.
- In the next choice, select that the memory should be “dynamically allocated”.
- When prompted for the location, specify the name of the NEW folder which should be put under your ~/VirtualBox VMs/ folder. It best corresponds to the name of the machine that you assigned in step 5 above (i.e. AC2013).
- Assign 8 GB of hard-disk space.
- Finally, press “create” - and you will have a new entry in the VM menu on the left-hand side of your VirtualBox window, named “AC2013”.

2. Preparation of installation
- In a next series of steps, a few adaptions need to be made in the VM properties. To do this, select the new VM in the left-hand side of the VirtualBox window. Then focus on the right-hand side of this window.
- In box “System”, in the “Accelerator” tab, click (enable) the two boxes for “Enable VT-x/AMD-V” and “Enable Nested Paging”.
- In box “Display”, allocate 128 MB of video memory and “Enable 3D Acceleration”.
- In box “Network”, go to “advanced” and choose “paravirtualized Network (virtio-net)”.

3. Installing the machine and starting
- Start the machine.
- In the window asking for the installation medium choose the ISO file AC2013.iso from its location (USB stick, some location on your hard disk or wherever you have it).
- Double-click on the “Install Linux-Mint” disk symbol on the VM desktop
- It now takes about 5-30 minutes (depending on your system) to go through the process of installation on the hard disk and answering all the related questions.
- Don’t worry when you come to the point “Erase disk and install Linux Mint” - it is just the virtual disk for the machine you are erasing ;-)
- At the end you have to restart.
- In the process, you can also provide your user name login and password for the VM. Give some reasonable names.