24–29 Aug 2014
Hamburg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Unification of Electromagnetic and Weak Interaction in $U_L(2)\bigotimes U_R(2) $ Gauge Model

Not scheduled
Main Building (Hamburg University)

Main Building

Hamburg University

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1 Hamburg <a href="https://www.google.com/maps/place/Edmund-Siemers-Allee+1/@53.56303,9.98782,17z/data=!3m1!4b1!4m2!3m1!1s0x47b18f3cbed7b4f1:0xffb72ee7b0f3c774">PANIC14 venue at University Hamburg</a>
Poster 6) Standard model physics at the TeV scale


Prof. Andrew Koshelkin (Moscow Institute for Physics and Engineering)


The $U_L(2)\bigotimes U_R(2) $ gauge model for the unified theory of the electromagnetic and weak interactions which is free from the auxiliary self-interaction scalar field is developed. Due to breaking the initial symmetry, the $SU_L(2)\bigotimes U_R(1) $ Lagrangian is derived\cite{1}. The obtained $SU_L(2)\bigotimes U_R(1) $ Lagrangian contains all the terms corresponding to the free boson and fermion fields as well as to interactions between them, as it takes place in the Standard Model consideration. All boson fields, including the Higgs one, directly arise due to breaking the initial symmetry, and are generated by the initial gauge fields. The Higgs fields are studied in detail. We show that there is a wide spectrum of states of the Higgs bosons. The calculated masses of the Higgs particles are compared with the recent LCH experiments\cite{2,3}. Provided that the extrapolation of the developed model to QCD, the fitted mass is found to be $M_H \approx 123 GeV $.

Primary author

Prof. Andrew Koshelkin (Moscow Institute for Physics and Engineering)

Presentation materials

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