24–29 Aug 2014
Hamburg University
Europe/Berlin timezone

Tau_jet resummation in Higgs production at NNLL + NLO

26 Aug 2014, 14:40
Seminarraum 221 (ESAW)

Seminarraum 221


Talk 6) Standard model physics at the TeV scale Standard model physics at the TeV scale


Ms Shireen Gangal (DESY)


Jet vetoes play a crucial role in the precise measurement of the Higgs properties at the LHC. The vetoes on additional jets introduce sensitivity to soft and collinear radiation and induce logarithms of the jet-veto variable that need to be resummed. In this talk, we consider Higgs production via gluon fusion with a veto on jet beam thrust, Tau_jet, which is a jet-based variable that can be used as an alternative to pT_jet in current experiments. Tau_jet denotes the maximum of the plus momenta (with respect to beam direction) assigned to identified jets with radius R. This is in contrast to considering the maximum pT of a jet. We present the resummed 0-jet Higgs production cross section for Tau_jet at next-to-next-to leading logarithmic (NNLL) accuracy, incorporating the NLO fixed order result. For small R, typically used in current experiments, the clustering logarithms arising from the correlated emissions within the beam and soft functions become important at NNLL. We compute the leading jet clustering corrections to the soft function anomalous dimension at O(alpha^2) and incorporate them in our resummed results.

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