23–26 Sept 2014
DESY Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

Modular Inflation in F/M-Theory: Insights from Studies of the Holomorphic Sectional Curvature

25 Sept 2014, 15:20
Seminar room 1 (DESY Hamburg)

Seminar room 1

DESY Hamburg

Notkestrasse 85, 22607 Hamburg


Mr Richard Galvez (Syracuse University)


We present preliminary results regarding the validity of inflation being driven by Kahler moduli fields in Calabi-Yau compactifications of arbitrary dimension. By studying the moduli space geometry in the supergravity limit of F-theory constructions, we are able to test the viability of modular inflation in the context of Type IIA/B and M-theory. We end by commenting on a mathematical inconsistency realized within the context of the G2-MSSM which suggests the presence of non-trivial quantum corrections to the Kahler potential in these models.

Primary author

Mr Richard Galvez (Syracuse University)

Presentation materials